rĘäŁîźē 2

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rĘäŁîźē 2

This chapter might be kinda confusing because of the POV's. 'cuz it'll be like, Tani's POV then Elliot's POV then Tani's POV then Elliot's POV yada yada yada... okay? just read carefully and you might get it.

+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=*=+=+=+=+=Thursday, 6:30 pm+=+=+=+=+=

Tani's POV

I got home from school, tired because of Brooke again. She and her minions kept on teasing me and they even tore my P.E. uniform in half so I got scowled by the teacher.

I sighed from the stress that I get everyday. But still excited at my date... Okay! Dream off looser! It's not a date, it's just a friendly go to the movies thing. I took my braids off and my normally straight hair got wavy because of the braids.

I took my glasses off and went ti the bathroom to take a bath. After taking a bath, I went to my walking closet. My T's and jeans were on the left side, while the clothes that Candice buys for me are on the right side. I decided on mixing the clothes, I randomly took a brown T with gold butterflies flying around printed on it, black converse and decided on a blue jean skirt. I looked at myself on the mirror " The skirt is so not me, but still okay."

I dried my hair making it go back to it's long straight hair then tie it to a loose ponytail.I put on lip gloss, I don't really use make up but today is different so a little lip gloss won't hurt. I took my glasses and put it on. "MISMATCH!" I heard Candice yell. I was so startled I fell on my butt.

"Your going to the movies with Elli right? Wear something more cute! Oh, and the skirt looks good on you!" she told me. I stood up while rubbing my butt "Seriously, how do you get in my room without making any noise?! It's creeping me out!" I asked putting my hands in the air then back to my butt. She just laughed at my reaction. "You know what? I changed my mind." I said then got back to my walking closet and walked back out wearing baggy jeans.

Candice frowned at my outfit "I liked it better when you were showing a little skin" she told me. I grinned at her "It's all your fault, sissy. You laughed at me." I told her and she just rolled her eyes.

After a few seconds, we heard the front door open, and since our parents are on a business trip, I'm guessing for the only one person that has a spare key to this house. Elliot. Sh*t he's 10 minutes early!

I started to panick. "Did I put on too much lip gloss? Maybe I should wear the skirt... Do I look like I put too much effort on this?Should I braid my hair like always?" I asked Candice. She laughed more then said "He's coming!"

Elliot's POV

I took my spare key to Tani's house out of my pocket. I opened the door and closed it when I was inside. I went straight to Tani's room because I can hear Candice laughing in the room. I knocked on the door and Candice's laughter became more loud, I opened the door "What's so-" I was going to ask why Candice was laughing but when I saw Tani, I burst out laughing.

She was red as a tomato and she was on the toy car that I gave her when we were 6.

She glared at me for laughing too much. "What are you doing Tani?" I asked after laughing "Uhhh..... I-I was bored waiting for you soo, I uh thought that I'll play with this toy."

"Mmhhhmmmm" I said not buying it

"Seriously Candice, would you stop laughing already?" Tani told Candice who was laughing her head off. Candice took a deep breath calming her self "You two go to your date now. I'll just watch something on TV 'till you give me my sister back." she told me.

Tani blushed at the word date then scowled at Candice " Your not supposed to say that on a guy who has a girlfriend!" Candice rolled her eyes then said "Yah, yah. Oh, and make her wear a skirt Elli, she looks good on it. Please!" and left the two of us in the room. Skirt, eh? This should be nice.

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