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7 days, the battle had lasted 7 days, I don't know how I knew that but I did. A putrid odor filled my lungs and the surrounding air. The heat didn't help it either it only made the matter worse. I kept walking not going anywhere in particular just, wandering as if in a daze. Everywhere I looked I seemed to find bodies of fallen warriors, both friend and foe. I don't know how I knew that I hade comrades out in that mass of bodies but before I realized, there were tears, slowly sliding down my cheeks. I stopped, if I start crying now it would be impossible to breathe, the air was still thick with the smell of death. Wiping the tears from my face I continued.

After a while, I noticed 4 figures in the distance, 3 of them seemed to be discussing something. As I got closer, I started to hear what they were saying. "We just can't kill him the amount of dark magic that will come bursting out could be catastrophic!" A lady with strawberry blonde hair yelled to a man standing across from her. She was wearing brown boots, and a frilly pink dress with long sleeves, which seemed quite odd in the environment we were in. "Then what do we do with him Amora, we can't just let him live, not with all the horrific things he's done," a guy, about a head taller than the oddly dressed woman, ( who I assumed was Amora ) countered "he has to pay one way or another!" He started pacing back and forth, hands tangled in his golden hued hair. Another man, who was similarly built in both strength and height but, had shaggy black hair, stepped in front of him to stop his pacing. Then he said "We all want him to pay for what he did to us, to everyone but Prescott you gotta understand..." the man I now knew was Prescott didn't let him finish. "Absalom you more than anyone should want this monster dead!" Amora stepped in to try to defend the tall black haired man named Absalom "Did you forget what I said just 5 minutes ago, don't let your feelings cloud your judgement." I could tell she was having a hard time keeping her voice steady, she had a fierce determined look but I knew that was just a front. In reality she really just wanted to cry her pain away but, she needed to be strong.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Prescott turned waiting for an answer. "I might have an idea..." all eyes turn to me, even the disgruntled figure that they were arguing about down on the floor tied up. I hadn't noticed until then how close i had gotten to the group until then, I also didn't notice that it was me who spoke. The voice wasn't mine it was more mature and sounded calmer than how I was feeling in this current situation. "Well if you wouldn kindly tell us your plan then, Shearah." That response pulled me into a whole new wave of questions. Why is this guy giving me sass, why are they calling me Shearah and I definitely had no plan or idea on what or how to solve their problem. Of course now that I have all these questions, I decide to wake up, just my luck.

The Keys: A Tale of a Beginning and EndWhere stories live. Discover now