Chapter five

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The glow that it emitted slowly grew brighter, until it was blinding. My eyes were closed for a while, so I was startled to hear someone other than Rosalind talking. I jumped up so fast and high, if I was sitting on the fallen pillar, I probably would have fell off. It was a girl, she was short, like really short, about 4 feet tall and she looked like she was 20. She was staring, staring directly at me why, I don't know. This girl had a teal glow to her, it was faint but noticeable, she was most likely an apparition, a ghost. "Cress, you have a heavy burden you must take on from me..." She said this as if I knew her, and this kind of shocked me, cause she seemed familiar but I didn't recognize her so I cut her off, "Do I know you, cause you seem familiar."

At that moment Rosalind came over and sat down next to me, shock written all over her face. She turned to me and whispered in my ear "She was in a dream I had, earlier in the day..." Afer she said that, she backed away letting that last thought sink in, only making me more curious about the mysterious character. This woman cleared her throat, only further tainting the air of the room. "You are of me, as I am of you." "I don't understand, are you trying to say that you are me, or I'm you? I don't quite understand what that means." If she was inquiring that we are the same person, I'm pretty sure that would mean...she started talking not letting me complete the thought. "It means that you are my reincarnate, and I'm your past life. You are not alone there are others." My brain was going a mile a minute trying to wrap my head, or our head, you know, actually I don't know anymore. This is just getting crazy and confusing now, but she continued "Others that are just as powerful as I for example your friend beside you is one. Descended from Amora, a magician who could bring almost any artistic piece to life." I looked over at Rosalind to see that this helped bring a sense of clarity to what she was, she also had a hint of excitement, knowing that she had a form of magic. "We were known as the defenders by some, but many called us the saviors of Bangnar."

That snapped me out of my downward fall into insanity and into a tunnel of questions. How could someone like me a run away, at 14 no less. "Sure I have some experience fighting because I'm a bounty hunter for monsters but sorry to tell you this I don't have magic." Rosalind picked that time to speak up "Sure you do Cress, what about when you moved those stone walls?" "I didn't do much the cave was alive and could already move, I just pushed it until it gave away." The lady began to speak again "I am Shearah, and I have telekinesis which means..." "WHICH MEANS YOU HAVE TELEKINESIS TOO!" Rosalind was jumping up and down shaking me she was so happy for me. Guess I wasn't sleeping tonight after all.

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