Chapter eighteen

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Ok, the whole "you must each complete a test alone" thing made sense but, why dress us in such lavish clothes? It didnt make any sense, gowns are extremely difficult to maneuver in and have weight to them, so how would anyone ever do a test, mind you that this certain test holds the WHOLE KINGDOMS FATE IN ITS HANDS! So I turned to the elder, seeming to be the leader of our captors, and asked, "Excuse me but, what's with the outfits? Are we wearing them for some reason?" He nodded slowly and took several steps closer, of course with the help of an old gnarly branch that he used as a walking stick. "Each is a ceremonial piece, which mst be adorned by the participants of the test." He then stopped for a moment, he seemed to be organizing his thoughts and then he continued, "They each simbolize your inner energy and your manifested energy, the latter of which can be found in your weapon."

Soon after he answered my questions he revealed his name to us. It was an odd choice, but who am I to judge? Patric Gusto may be a weird name but so many weird things have happened recently, it seems pretty normal compared to them. Patric went on to lead s to our "chambers", honestly why do you have to make such a big deal about a bedroom and call it that just because it's bigger and contains more.

Seeing both Rosalind and Zander's faces widen with amazement at seeing these huge rooms made me realize that just because I'm used to something doesn't mean they are. So when I see a huge room filled with magnificent items and think whatever, my friends never had that opportunity to have it. They were dealing with hardships, like abuse, famin, and thieves, while I was happy and had no worries.

We decided to eat dinner in Rosalind's chamber, mainly because she had insisted on it, I think she wanted to stay in there as long as possible. It was a decent meal, they served us water along with a juice, it tasted like lemonade with a hint of lychee, honestly their lemonade was the best part. They served a finger that was interesting, and I don't mean that in a mean way, it just had an interesting flavor and I couldn't tell what it was. It had hints of lime and it was a kind of meat but from what animal I don't know.

We hung out in her room for a bit longer, not because we were afraid of being split up but because we were stuffed and could hardly move, and if we were to would most likely through up, but we tried not to, that would have been rude. Around 7:30 I left to go to my own room, I changed into a softer outfit, taking full advantage of my time out of that annoyingly fluffy one. I put on a tank top and shorts, both were so soft, they felt like cotton, actual cotton before it's warped and losses its texture. The bed was just as soft so I laid down on my back and stared at the ceiling waiting for sleep to carry me off, but it didn't come.

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