Chapter twenty one

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On top of having my chocker back, I also was back in the teal dress, I will never get over my hate for big dresses. I left my room and headed towards Zander's since it was closer, turns out he had a similar idea, because I met him half way to his room. He had a small cut on his face that he seemed to have not noticed yet, he looked kind of scared and stressed out. "Are you okay, you're bleeding." I put a hand to his face and wiped away the blood, as I started to pull my hand back he caught it and just held it, his breathing was shaky and his hand was trembling. We each had to take a test on our own to see if we were worthy, I thought we each had the same or similar tests, but now that I see Zander standing here frighted, I'm starting to think we had VERY different tests.

He didn't speak, he didnt have to, his test must have had something to do with his past, most likely his mother, he had told me all about it, but just because you talk about your pain doesn't make it any more bearable. "I don't want to loose anyone else..." that's all he said to me, I just nodded and let him keep holding my hand as I walked with him to Rosalind's room.

Zander knocked on her door but she didn't answer, so after a few minutes I knocked, but she still wouldn't answer I didn't like that I started to worry my mind spinning, I heard a wince and realized that I had tightened my grip on Zander's hand. He could of let go of my hand but he didn't he endured the pain for me, I needed him there and he knew that so he stayed, as I reached for the door knob Rosalind threw it open. She had tears streaming down her face, she forced me into a tight hug, muttering things like "I never want to go back there..." Zander let my hand go so I hugged her back, not knowing what else to do.

I think that they see me as their anchor, their stability, I may not have gone through the horrors that they have, but I can understand them, and that's all they really need right now. Rosalind loosened her grip and let me go she started wiping her eyes dry, when she was done we looked for old man Patric, we couldn't find him so, we headed back to my room, we weren't going to be separated again any time soon.

I laid down on my make shift mattress, Rosalind went on my bed and Zander sat next to my mattress thing, for some reason he wasn't letting me out of his sight. Rosalind had gotten her bow which in turn changed into lavender earrings, and Zander got his sword back. We stayed there silently, Rosalind fell asleep and Zander was still next to me, and he didn't do or say anything for awhile just starred of into space. I had started to doze off when he turned and started to talking to me. I jumped and fell off the mattress. "What is it?" I said as I regained my composure and sat down next to him. "I...I saw you die, just like my mom."

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