Chapter twenty two

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Being told that you were seen being murdered isn't the best thing to go to sleep to, it also doesn't help that it was the same way Zander's mom was killed. I was left on a cliff hanger, you dont just tell someone that they're going to die and leave it like that, I had so many questions and some of which were answered. He decided that I had waited long enough and told me about his test.

"I was back at my house... it looked the same as it did when I was little..." he paused for a second gathering his thoughts. "Except this time I wasn't little... and you were there standing next to my mom." That seemed a bit odd, I've never met his mother before and if I had I would have been around 7, and when he was taking his test I was taking mine. Zander went on to explain that he was tied down and was surrounded by the people who killed his mother, and he had the choice to pick who would be killed. Instead of choosing me a complete stranger who he only recently gotten to know, or his mother who he knew deep down was dead he chose himself. Just as they were getting ready to kill him I apparently stepped in and fought them in hand to hand combat, and when it appeared tha I was going to win I got stabbed in the back, by his mother.

"That's when I knew I should of chosen her, my own mother, to be killed because in the end I knew it really wasn't her but it still hurt." He burred his face in his hands and wouldn't look at me he felt shameful that he would want to kill his own mother. "If you had failed the test you wouldn't have gotten that back," I touched the ring on his finger "the tests were designed to make you question reality and in what you believe is right and wrong." Zander took is hands away from his face, and looked at me giving me his undivided attention. "They judge what's in your heart more than your actions, you didn't do anything wrong in the end." "Thanks, that really helped." He pulled me into a hug and he didn't let go for a long time, I was so tired and I felt bad about asking him to stop hugging me, I fell asleep.

When I woke up I couldn't move, at first I thought it was sleep paralysis because there was a pressure pushing down on me. So I just stayed there and soon fell back asleep, what felt like 5 minutes later I heard a yell and sat straight up. Rosalind was staring at the floor next to me and pointing at it. I saw fingers poking out from under the blanket "there's someone next to you." She scream whispered. Without remembering the last half hour explanation from Zander I reached for my pillow, raised it above my head and then slammed it down. Turns out that hand belonged to him and that I started a pillow fight war between me Rosalind and Zander.

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