Chapter two

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How does someone get stuck behind the wall? Unless there's another cave connecting to this one, that would explain it, but why are they banging on the wall? That's when I heard it the faintest of yells, they were calling for help. It sounded so distraught and scared, I just had to help. I got up and started searching to see if there was any way to move the wall, just like the mouth of the cave. Instead I found nothing, just some weird squiggles, so I started pushing on the wall trying to force it open. It didn't do much good but I kept trying, "Move...come on just a...little..." I grumbled as my hands slowly slid across the wall. Something incredible happened after that, the wall actually moved, not like a little shift no, it full on moved, just enough for a girl to come tumbling through.

"Close it quick!" she screamed at me as she ran over to grab my arm. "I don't know how!" I yelled back at her, after I had said that a look full of dread filled her face. "We need to run then, hurry!"She started running in the opposite direction I was heading dragging me along with her. When I was about to ask her why we were running I heard it, one of the most high pitched screams I have ever heard. It sounded almost human but it wasn't, the noise alone sent shivers down my spine. I knew I had to get this girl and myself out of there as quickly as possible, there was no way we could stand a chance a fighting chance in that tight space. Grabbing her arm I started to run faster, weaving our way through stalagmites and stalactites until we reached a dead end.

As we came up to the wall the girl started to cry and mutter things, like it was her fault and how we were going to die. Doing the same thing I did with the other wall, I put my hands on it and started pushing it, willing it to open. "What are you doing! That's not going to do anything, are you crazy?!" She managed to get out in between sobs. "It worked last , come on...move..." I didn't think it would work once was weird enough but it was worth a shot and could possibly save us. It started moving slowly at first then faster, the girl was out first then me, and then we heard its screams again it was getting closer. I repeated the process of moving the rock, but instead of opening it, I was closing it. "Can't you make the rock go any faster?!" I was really getting annoyed at this point and yelled back,"If I could I would've done so by now!" The beast was nearly there now, and I still had a few more inches to go. It thrust its hand through at the last second, getting it stuck in the process of closing, and slicing it clean off. I turned to the girl, she stared at me and then asked "Who are you?" "My names Cress, Cress Oweltar. And you are?"

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