Chapter twenty nine

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Rosalind's POV.

"Well this is getting boring." I huffed out and stretched my legs and arms. It's not even half an hour later and I'm bored, being locked in a cell, by your self, isn't even close to fun. Why would it be? I scan the room for anything to do, and I notice a rock on the floor. "Finally something to do!" whispering to myself as I picked it up. I try to think of something to sketch but instead, my mind wanders to my friends. Maybe I'm jumping the gun but I feel really close to them and consider them like family, yet I barely know them. My family never loved me or treated me well so this is strangely a nice change, even though of my predicament ( I should really stop being kidnapped ). I remember the day I first met Cress and then it hits me, I can break out with just a sketch. Finally my very limited talents are needed I start shaking with excitement.

I finally finish my amazing break out plan only problem is, how to turn it into a living breathing thing. This magic thing I did, was only once and it's not like I knew what I was doing either, it just sort of happened. I tend to draw when I'm influenced by something inspiring or emotional, that's what happened when that monster attacked I was hurt, mad and scared. That might just be the answer, not those emotions specifically, but to use them to influence the drawing. Now all I had to do was push my emotions out and give it a physical form, but how was I going to trigger such strong emotions. This is the part where everything goes down hill.

After trying to get the image to come to life for an hour I decided to take a break, I had a feeling I just looked ridiculous waving my arms all willy nilly,(such a weird term, willy nilly, anyway back to my rapidly downward spiraling life) as I sat down I was yelled at to get up. The guard was yelling at me but I wasn't really listening cause I didn't care, something about questionares or questionable subjects, I have no clue. So of course my lucks just as bad as my life, when the prison cell door was opened my drawing had to come to life and rampage about, I'm probably gonna be in more trouble than I already was. Surprisingly enough I wasn't killed yet but the guard was, his body lay sprawled on the ground his neck was snapped. I think I forgot to mention that my drawing was a griffin.

I hated death, I hated dead things in general, the life less gazes eyes cast off with no light no sign of life and hope. The feeling of dread that took place in my stomach was horrible, I didn't want to go any where near the corpse but I had to, I needed those keys if I wanted to get out. When I finally pulled together enough courage, the griffin decided that he wanted to play chase. He ran off with the keys.

The Keys: A Tale of a Beginning and EndWhere stories live. Discover now