Chapter seven

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I went into the forest, after that crazy discussion, I wanted to sleep somewhere dark and quiet, so the deadly forest it was. After laying my stuff down, I laid myself down, on the cold hard dirt floor, but at least it was dark. The last 4 hours had been crazy, it was probably about 5 in the morning, but that didn't stop me, any second now I'd pass out from exhaustion. Of course right when I closed my eyes I was knocked out, and in a very deep sleep.

When I woke, up the first thing I did was go back to the camp, to check on Rosalind, but when I got there she was missing. I looked every where, behind trees, knocked over pillars and under her blankets, when I was just going to give up, I heard her scream.

It was very distant, how could she have gotten that far, in so little time, about 2 hours. I got up of the ground, and that's when I noticed hoove prints along with boots and cart tracks. The cart and horses would explain how she got so far away, and the other prints indicated that there was a struggle, most likely between her and the mysterious people. So I started walking, I needed to save her if not then who, the kingdom after all, was in a neat form of chaos.

I had followed their tacks, wich lead to a dirt road, and had continued to do so until now. It was extremely hot out, my hair kept sticking to my arms, and was difficult to put up because, it was so sticky. Taking of my jacket, I walked a bit off the side of the road to sit down and eat, I wasn't expecting another strange person to be sitting there waiting for me.

I stared at him, he had hazel eyes, but they were a bit greener than mine, he also had short brown hair wich was brushed to the right side of his face. He carried himself well, with confidence, he also carried a sword, which was pointing directly at my neck. At that exact second I hit his arm to the side, transformed my chocker back to flail form, and used it to pin his arms to his side and him to the tree. "Who are you, and what do you want?" I tried to give him a cold stare but it probably didn't look like one, I was in a hurry, I had other places to go and someone to save. He just starred back, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the weapon I was wielding. What old he possibly know about it, it was the first time I even heard of it, and I had a high class education. "Listen," he said, while turning his head toward me, "I'll help you rescue your friend if you give me that flail."

He sounded honest "And why would I do that?" "Because I know who the true owner is," he said this with a knowing smile, I still didnt trust him so I played along. "Who's the real owner then?" Without hesitating he said "Shearah, or her reincarnation at least." "News flash buddy your looking at her." His jaw dropped, but it still didn't seem liked he believed me so he continued, "But she's supposed to be the run away princess Cress!" "What's that supposed to mean, that I'm helpless, I cant fight?! Well you were really wrong about that!" I was so mad I tightened his constraints out of spite. "Tell me right now why I shouldn't kill you?" I was sneering as I said this. "I'm Zander, Zander Clise, and I'm the reincarnation of Absalom Betteridge." As Zander said that he put his sword away, and by that I mean his sword glowed a dark blue, it then turned into a black and dark blue ring.

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