T h i r t e e n

46 2 0

2:35 p.m.

"I think it's for the best. I always knew Yanan was a douche," Yutani says sipping her coffee.

Alexis scoffs in disbelief. "You did not! You told me that you thought he was hot!"

You instantly choke on your coffee. Alexis pats your back and hands you a napkin to wipe your face off on.

"You what?!"

She chuckles nervously, her cheeks turning red.

"I didn't say that! I have Hui, remember? Alexis—the one who's been single for a century out of the three of us said that."

Alexis smiles. "I didn't mean it like that! I meant it like, he was good-looking."

You chuckle. "Alexis, you know that literally means the same thing, right?"

She crosses her arms over her chest and rolls her eyes.

"You know what I meant!"

"Sure," you and Yutani say in unison.

You took another a bite of your chicken caesar salad.

"Hotty alert. He's walking inside. Dark blue coat." Alexis slaps her hand on the table multiple times out of excitement.

You turn your head around to examine the hotty Alexis was talking about.

He seemes familiar but you couldn't see his face that much because of his hair covering his eyes a bit.

He turned in your direction and walked towards your booth in the café.

"Y/N?" He says.

You look up at him and squint your eyes.

"Do I know you?"

He chuckles and takes his hat off, raking his hair backwards.

"It's Youngjae, you weirdo." He sits down next to you and sets his hat on the table.

Alexis' jaw was dropped and you were a bit embarrassed.

Youngjae reached over the table and closed her mouth for her, adding in a wink just to see her freak out.

"Wanna introduce me to your friends, Y/N?" Youngjae asks while looking at Alexis, who was frozen in shock.

You cleared your throat. "Alexis, Yutani, meet Idiot. Idiot, meet my best friends Alexis and Yutani."

He slaps your shoulder playfully.

"That's not my name!"

You roll your eyes. "Alexis, Yutani, meet Choi Youngjae. Youngjae, meet Yutani and Alexis."

Yutani smiles at him while nudging her arm into Alexis' ribs, trying to get her to act normal.

"H–Hi, Youngjae," Alexis finally says.

He winks at her again and she freezes again.

This time, you slap his shoulder.

"Yah! Stop making the girl freeze, would ya!"

He chuckles and ruffles your hair.

"Sorry. Hey, what time is it?"

Yutani checks the time on her phone and then puts it back into her purse.


He grabs his hat and puts it back on his head.

"I promised I'd get Mark a bagel."

He gets up and was about to get in line but he turned back around and did something you thought he'd never do.

He kissed you.

Your eyes widened and you didn't know what to do.

"T–That was, um, from Jackson..."

Your heartbeat accelerated and you were pretty sure your face was redder than the heels Yutani had on.

"S–See you later!" He quickly said and ran out of the store.

"Crap, I forgot about the bagel," you heard him say while running back into the store.

You were too flustered to speak, to move, to blink, to think, to do anything.

Yutani snapped her finger multiple times to snap you out of your flustered state.

"He...kissed me..." You say.

"He kissed me..." You say again.

That's when you finally snap back into reality.

"He kissed me?!"

You turn around to see if he was still in line but he was long gone.

"I can't believe he kissed me! Why did he do that?!" You ask.

"He said that the kiss was from some guy named Jackson. Didn't you hear him?" Alexis answers while taking a crouton out of your salad and popping it into her mouth.

"No, I was too busy trying to breathe!" You snap back.

He kissed me?

- - -


"Did you kiss her?" Jackson asks as soon as I walk inside the house.

I take my shoes off and toss Mark his bagel.

"Y–Yes, I kissed her, Jackson. And never ever me to do that again!"

Jinyoung began to sing his part in Never Ever and I immediately glared at him.

"Aish, fine. I'll do it myself next time!" Jackson whines while walking upstairs to his room.

I collapse onto the couch, clutching my shirt where my heart is and catch my breath.

I can't believe I kissed her! Why do I feel so weird about it, though?

The kiss was supposed to be from Jackson. It shouldn't mean anything to me!

Yet, it does...

Aish, I can't fall in love again!

Truth was, I was scared.

Scared to fall in love.

Last time I let myself fall in love, she broke my heart.

I can't get my heart broken again.

I just can't.

- - -

Guys, stan The Boyz, if you don't already.

They're underrated but cute as hell and very very very talented!

Okay, that's all I have to say.

I Purple You, as always

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