F i f t e e n

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"And it's because—I'm in love with you."

You always had a feeling that he was in love with you but you chose to ignore it.

You had feelings for him just like he did for you but falling in love again would only ruin your life—again.

You sigh. "Youngjae, I–"

Before you could even say what you were going to say, his lips connected with yours.

He soon pulled away and looked down, a wave of regret immediately washing over him.

"Ah, I'm such an idiot. Why did I do that?"

He walks towards the bed and sits down, his back hunched over and his hands folded.

"I knew that doing that would meant that I'd fall in love again and yet, I did it anyways," he sighs.

You walk over to sit next to him and lay your head on his lap, looking up at him.

"Hey, don't be sad. I took that chance too, Youngjae. Trust me, love sucks to me but I'm willing to make it work with you."

He looks down at you and kisses your nose.

"And I promise to never cheat on you, to never hide anything from you, or to lie to you, or to hurt you in any way. I want to make this work between us, Y/N."

You smile faintly.

You didn't know whether you could say the same to him.

You wanted the relationship to work out but living with Yoongi was going to make that impossible.

All you could do was hide it from Yoongi until you were ready to tell him about your relationship with Youngjae.

And keep your distance.

- - -

Monday, January 8th
—12:46 a.m.

"Okay, Youngjae, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you," you say while unbuckling your seatbelt.

"Aww, just one more kiss?" He begs.

You scoff. "I've given you so many kisses in the past hour that my lips are numb!"

He pouts, poking his bottom lip out and crossing his arms over his chest.

You sigh in defeat and lean towards him and kiss him one last time on the lips.

He laughs in the kiss, causing you to pull away.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too. Goodnight," you say while getting out of the car, shutting the door behind you.

You watch him drive off until his car is nothing but another silhouette in the moonlight.

You walk up the porch stairs, knocking on the door.

He opens the door for you.

"It's late, where have you been?" He asks, sounding like Chu-Chu when you were younger and stayed out a bit too late.

You chuckle while walking inside, kicking your shoes off and tossing your coat on the couch.

"Yoongi, I'm a 24 year-old woman. Not a child."

He follows you upstairs and you lay down your bed, staring at the ceiling before taking your phone out of your pocket.

"Yeah, but, you are living in my house?" He says while leaning against the door.

"What're you like my dad now?"

He chuckles. "You'll be calling me something close to that very soon."

You seen the perverted look in his eyes and threw a pillow at him.

"Screw you, pervert!"

He caught the pillow and set it on the floor.

"Getting a little aggressive, are we? You can sleep without me tonight."

"Sleep tight," he chuckled as he walked out of the room.

You groan as you pick out some pajamas and walk into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

- - -

"Yoongi–" You stood by his door, hoping he'd forgive you but instead he got up and slammed the door.

You felt a bit hurt.

You sighed as you walked down the stairs.

"Ice cream and TV for me, then," you mumble as you walk into the kitchen, grabbing a pint of Cookies 'N Cream ice cream out of the freezer.

You also grab a spoon and head to the couch, cutting on Orange Marmalade.

You popped open the top to the creamy dessert, setting it on the next to you.

"Alright, let see how many episodes I can watch before I black out."

- - -

—1:15 a.m.


I felt kind of bad for slamming the door in her face.

And she better be glad that I love her enough to be up at 1:15 in the morning to carry her to bed.


"Baek-Mari, I'm in love with you..." The TV spoke.

I stuck my tongue out in disgust as I muted the TV, turning my attention back to Y/N.

I placed my hands under her arm and thigh as I lifted her up sucessfully.

I couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked when she was asleep.

I shook my head as I walked her upstairs.

"Chu-Chu, I don't wanna go to school today...I wanna stay home and make cookies with you," she said in her sleep.

I kicked my door open and gently placed her onto the bed but she wouldn't remove her arms from being wrapped around my neck.

I placed my feet firmly on the ground as I gently pulled her arms away from my neck.

I walked back downstairs to clean up the mess she made and cut the TV off.

I was exhausted and not used to being up this early.

I crawl into bed, cutting off the lights, and placing the covers over Y/N and I.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close.

I brushed her hair so that I could see better in the pale moonlight that made its way into room in thin streams of light.

I let out a small sigh as I kissed her forehead and drifted off to sleep.

- - -

Yo, that was such a "great" chapter!

Smh I hate it. But since I wanted to release this story as soon as possible for my lovely readers, I'll keep it :)

Hopefully, you guys like it.

As always, I love you and see you in the next chapter! ♡

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