T w e n t y E i g h t

33 2 0

Monday, January 17th
12:10 p.m.

"Ah, you must be Y/N, right?" The same guy who called for Jae-Hyeong says while wiping the counters down.

You nod. "That's me. Are you guys hiring? Or is the store closed for today? I can come back."

The store was empty. Must've explained the Closed sign on the door.

He chuckles. "Yes, we actually are. We just have to clean up and then we'll actually close for the day."

You nod again.

He walks around the counter to stand where you are.

"Hmm. Have any work experience?"

"I did have a part-time job in high school at a grocery store."

He nods. "How old are you?"


"You and Jae-Hyeong make me feel so old. I'm almost fourty!"

You both laugh.

"Well, Y/N, the job is yours if you want it. We can go over your working hours later today. As for your uniform, we'll talk about that later today, too."

You nod and shake his hand.

"Thank you so much, sir."

He chuckles. "Don't call me sir. Here at Pizza Paradise we're like a family. Call me Grandpa."

You smile. "Okay, Grandpa. What should I do in the meantime?"

He taps his chin. "Ever have any experience with making a pizza?"

"I once made a lasagna with an old friend."

He hums in response. "Jae-Hyeong!"

Jae-Hyeong scrambles out of the kitchen and stands beside Grandpa.

"Yes, Grandpa?"

"Show Y/N around the kitchen and demonstrate how to make a pizza. The Pizza Paradise way."

He nods and looks at you as you walk into the kitchen.

"So you work here now?" He says as he washes his hands.

"Yep, I need some money to get an apartment of my own so now I work here."

You wash your hands and Jae-Hyeong hands you a towel to dry them off with.

"Okay! So here's the kitchen. And over here to your right are our ovens. Be sure to always wear oven mitts when taking a pizza out of the oven. We had a guy who was listening to music and forgot that he didn't have any on.  His hands look like Freddy Krueger's face."

You giggle as you examine the brickstone ovens.

"And over here to your right is where we prep the boxes for the people who want pizzas to-go. It's also where Grandpa yells out people's orders."

You nod, taking this all in.

"The sinks are in the middle of the kitchen so you can never say that you couldn't find a sink because...it's literally right there."

You chuckle as you make your way down to the end of the kitchen.

"This is where the magic happens. Where we make the pizzas. Making pizzas in Pizza Paradise has to be precise. Ready to see how it works?"

You clap your hands together like an excited child.

He chuckles. "Okay."

"Since there's dough that's already made, what we do next is knead it out."

He pours a bit of flour on his hands so that the dough doesn't stick to his hands and begins to knead the dough out.

"Now," he says while dusting his hands off. "We add our secret pizza sauce. You'll learn what's in it soon."

He grabs a ladle and spreads the sauce out evenly.

"What do like on your pizza?" He asks while spreading tons of cheese on the pizza.

"Um, pepperoni. Yeah, just pepperoni."

He smiles as he opens a fresh pack of pepperoni and places a bunch of it on the pizza.

Then, he adds butter and garlic onto the crust.

"Alright, now we put it in the oven and wait for fifteen minutes," he says as he puts the pizza in the oven and leans against the counter.

You sigh. "Wow. Well, now I know how to make a pizza."

He smiles, looking up at the ceiling.

"So, now that you work here, I guess you should get to know me," Jae-Hyeong says.

"My name is Jae-Hyeong, I'm 26, my birthday is April 23rd, my favorite color is green, and I'm allergic to seafood."

You smile at him.

"Guess it my turn, huh?"

"Well, my name is F/N L/N, I'm 24, my favorite color is F/C, I have a puppy named Gigi. If I can think of anything else, I'll tell you."

He nods.

- - -

"Jae-Hyeong, this pizza is amazing!" You exclaim as you take a bite out of the freshly made pizza.

He chuckles as he takes a sip of his soda.

"Yeah, well, next time you should try the flatbread pizza. It's one of my favorites."

You nod and take another bite out of your pizza.

"Excuse me for a second."

He nods and grabs another slice of pizza.

"Grandpa!" You call out.

He appears from underneath of the countertop. Yes?"

"I'm leaving. Thank you for the uniform and schedule."

He smiles and waves. "Bye, Y/N, see you on Wednesday."

You wave back as you walk out of the store.

Jae-Hyeong quickly puts on his coat, hoping to catch up with you.

- - -



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