T w e n t y N i n e

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A strong grip on your wrist startles you.

You turn around, only to lock eyes with Jae-Hyeong, his cheeks rosy.

"L–Let me drive you home, it's too cold for you to walk home. C'mon."

He leads you to his car, opening the door for you as you get in and closing it.

"Thank you."

You smile at him as he starts the car, driving down the street.

- - -

"We're here."

You look out the window and see Yoongi's house.

You sigh, not wanting to leave the warm and cozy car.

"I'll see you Wednesday. Thank–"

He grabs your hand, turning it palm-side up, writing something down on it.

"It's my number. Call me or text me. We can talk about pizza."

You smile at his quirkiness.

"Bye, Jae-Hyeong."

You get out of the car and walk up the stairs to the front door.

Jae-Hyeong waits until you're safely inside to drive off.

"I'm home!" You yell while taking off your shoes and coat.

Yoongi wasn't on the couch like he usually is.

"Yoongi?" You look in the kitchen but the light was off, not a sound to be heard in the living room.

You walk upstairs, hoping he'd be in his room.

"Yoongi?" You slowly push his door open.

His room was dark, curtains closed, not a peak of light to be seen.

He was asleep on his bed, wrapped up in his blanket like a burrito.

You smile softly at him as you lay down next to him, wrapping your arms around him.

You listen to his small snore while staring at his tiny nose.

You give it a quick kiss and rest your head back onto the pillow.

So now you have a job.

Save your paychecks and soon you'll be able to afford a small apartment for you and Gigi.

You close your eyes, drifting off to sleep.

- - -

January, Tuesday 25th
1:30 p.m.

"Y/N," Yoongi whispers softly.

"Hm," you respond, still half-asleep.

"Get up."

You slowly open your eyes, looking right at Yoongi who was looking back at you.

"You're cute, did you know that?"

You grab a pillow and throw it at him.

"Shut up."

You get up, stretching you arms as you walk into his bathroom to fix your hair.

"Where have you been slipping off to this week?" He asks while sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at you.

"I applied for a job and I got it. So now I have a job."

He smiles whole-heartedly at you.

"That's great. I'm proud of you."

You look at him in confusion.

"Why are you acting like that?" You ask while cutting off the light and sit on the bed next to him, laying your head on his shoulder.

"Acting like what?"

"Just strange. You're usually not this nice. Are you high?"

He bursts into laughter, his shoulder shaking.

"Y/N, I am not high. I quit smoking, remember?"

You sigh. "Sure."

An idea crosses Yoongi's mind.

"Get up. Get dressed."

He runs into his closet, taking out his coat and sneakers.

"Where are we going?" You ask lazily.

He puts his coat and shoes on and smiles.

"Go get dressed!" He whines while carrying you bridal style into your room.

"Okay, okay!"

He sets you down and closes your door, allowing you to change in privacy.

You frown as you walk into your closet, picking out something to wear.

"Why can't we just stay in the house? Making me get dressed. For what? Ugh!" You mutter to yourself.

You throw on an oversized dark blue hoodie and black leggings.

"Yoongi, I'm dressed!" You yell as you walk downstairs to put on some plain white sneakers.

Yoongi hops up excitedly.

Yeah, I totally think he's on drugs or something.

"Put on your coat. It's cold."

You groan as you do as he says, zipping it up.

"Let's go!"

He opens the door, tugging you out the door.

He makes sure to lock the door before running to his car, opening the door for you.

You don't get in though.

You've watched enough movies and videos and learned enough to know that if a person is drunk or under the influence of drugs that you shouldn't get into a car or vehicle with them.

He opens his door but as he notices that you haven't gotten in, he stops and looks at you.

"What's wrong?"

"Yoongi, are you on drugs or are you drunk?"

He chuckles. "I'm sober and not on drugs, Y/N. I promise."

You look at him with uncertainty.

"Fine. But if I find out that you are, I'm going to kill you."

He holds his hands up in defense.

"Okay, okay!"

You and him both get into the car.


"Not really."

"Good." And with that, he drives out off the driveway.

You keep your focus on the scenery that you pass as he drives.

"We've never taken this route before. Where are we going?"

He rolls down your window.


You stick your head out of the window and breathe in the scent of ocean water and sand.

The beach.

You stick your head back into the car and smile at him.

"I love the beach!" You cheer excitedly.

He chuckles. "Are you drunk or on drugs?"

You glare at him. "Don't mock me."

He parks the car and bolt out of the car, excited to run on the sand.

You kick your shoes off, enjoying the feeling of sand under your feet.

You feel someone push you, causing your mouth to fill up with sand.

You spit out the sand and look up and see Yoongi laughing at you.

"I'm going to kill you," you threaten.

- - -

Swim by Chase Atlantis is a good song.

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