T h i r t y T w o

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As I opened the door, my heart immediately shattered.

There she was.

Laying there, she looked so pale that it was scary.

And she was shaking, almost as if she was having a seizure.

Enough was enough.

No cold medicine or pain relieving pills could fix this.

I took my coat off and wrapped it around her as I lifted her up, carrying her bridal-style down the stairs.

I put my shoes on and grabbed a pair for her as I ran outside to my car.

I opened the back door, carefully laying her down on the backseat.

After she was in, I closed the door and got into the front seat.

"Alexa, call Namjoon," I requested.

"Calling Namjoon."

I started the car as the phone began to ring.


"Namjoon," I said lowly. "Go to pharmacy and tell Yoongi that I'm on my way to the hospital. I don't think he brung his phone with him."

He gasped. "Why are going to the hospital?"

I sighed and looked at Y/N from the rear-view mirror.

"Y/N. She's sick."

"Should I tell the others?" Namjoon asked.

"It doesn't matter. Go to the pharmacy now. And tell the others to meet me at the hospital, okay?"


I hung up and began to drive to the nearest hospital which about ten minutes away.

- - -

"I need a doctor! Somebody help!" I yelled as I ran into the hospital, Y/N in my arms.

About five nurses ran over to us.

"My friend. She's sick."

The oldest nurse tapped another nurse. "Go get a wheelchair!"

She nodded and soon returned with a wheelchair.

I sat her down in it and jogged along side it as the nurses rushed her into a room.

"Doctor Hyo, this woman needs some assitance."

He nods and helps lay Y/N down onto the medical bed.

Her shaking decreased a little but she was still pale.

A nurse put their hand on my shoulder. "Have a seat in the waiting room and Doctor Hyo will advise you as to when he's done with her, okay?"

I take one last look at Y/N before nodded and following the nurse into the waiting room.

"Do you think she's going to be okay, nurse?" I ask as I sit down.

"I don't know, young man."

I sigh and hold my head in my hands.

"Please be okay, Y/N..."

- - -

I was taking a short nap but was awokened to the sounds of heavy breathing and footsteps.

"We're looking for a woman named Y/N. Do you know where we can find her?" Jungkook cried.

"She's undergoing an examination by Doctor Hyo but there's a man by the name of Seokjin in the waiting room who brought her in here," the nurse responded.

Jungkook bowed and ran into the waiting room, scanning the room to find me.

"Hyung! Hyung!"

He sat down in a chair next to me and tapped me repeatedly.

"What?" I say.

"Is she okay?"

I shrug. "I don't know. But I hope she is."

Jungkook sat back and sighed.

"Guys!" Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok called out as they ran into the waiting room.

Taehyung was holding a dozen Get Well Soon balloons.

Jimin and Hoseok were holding a variety of stuffed animals.

They all walked over to Jungkook and I, sitting down in the chairs facing us.

"How is she?" Taehyung asks.

"We don't know yet," Jungkook says back.

We all sigh and look at Namjoon and Yoongi who were just running in.

Before Namjoon could say anything to the nurse, she pointed to the waiting room.

They ran over to us, both out of breath.

"We don't know yet," we all said in unison.

- - -


Your eyes flutter open.

You had no idea as to where you were or what was going on so you began to panic.

"Calm down, Ms. L/N. Calm down," a familiar male voice spoke.

You looked to your left and saw Doctor Ki Hyo—the same doctor who helped with your broken ankle in high school.

"Hey, Doctor Hyo, long time no see, huh?"

He chuckles and rolls his chair over towards you.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"A bit better. Was I sick?"

He gets up and shows you something on his clipboard.

"Well, Ms. L/N, you were sick but there's a reason why you were."

You look up at him. "And that reason is...?"

"You're pregnant."

- - -


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