T w e n t y T w o

39 2 0

Thursday, January 13th
1:30 a.m.

"Where the hell have you been?" Yoongi asks while cutting on the lamp on the table.

You close the door, taking off your shoes.

"Yoongi, shut up. Damn. I'm too tired for this shit, right now."

He looks at you in disbelief.

"Did you just tell me to shut up?"

You walk past him to get upstairs and into your room.

"I do believe I asked you a question," he says while walking upstairs.

You simply ignore him and climb into bed, not having enough energy to change into your night clothes.

"Yoongi, I'm tired. Please shut up!" You groan while pulling the covers over your head.

"Fine. Get some sleep. But we will talking about this tomorrow."

He shuts the door and you sigh, once again running your finger over the hickey Yoongi managed not to see.

- - -

-11:10 a.m.

"Well...?" He says, expecting you to catch on.

"What do you want, Yoongi?" You say, dropping the spoon back into the bowl of cereal.

"Where were you last night?" He says while looking up at you from across the table.

You roll your eyes at him and continue eating your Fruit Loops.

"Hey," he yells while slamming his hand down on the table. "I asked you a question!"

You jolt up a bit and push your bowl away from reach.

"Minding my buisness. That's where I was."

You chuckle as you get up from the table, walking into the hallway.

"You think you're funny?" He growls while staring at you coldly.

Your back hits the wall and you stare right back him, not scared.

"You're super scary when you stare at me like that."

"My wittle guy," you coo as you move your hand up to his face but he slaps it away, pushing you back against the wall.

"Is that a fucking hickey?!" He says while pulling down the collar of your shirt to examine the love-bite Jungkook left.

"Is. That. A. Hickey?" He repeats slowly yet still angrily.

You gulp, shutting your eyes tight.

He chuckles humorlessly. "Who gave it to you?"

You didn't want to rat Jungkook out so you responded with,


"Oh, so you think I didn't see you and Jungkook kiss as he dropped you off last night?"

"Yoongi," you say, your breath hitching.

He pulls you towards him with the front of your shirt.

"You belong to me, Y/N. I don't give a fuck about how you feel about it. If I see you with Jungkook again, there will be serious consequences. Understand?" He says lowly.

He kisses you passionately then walks back into the living room.

"I can't believe he gave you a hickey..." he mumbles to himself.

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