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2 weeks later

Kelani's Point of View

I woke up next to Ki and realized that my stomach was way bigger than Ki's. I'm about to be 5 months pregnant so my belly is pretty big.

I got up and grabbed a towel and some clothes so I could shower.

I got in the shower and started to shower. A couple of minutes later Ki came in and joined me.

My back was facing him so he turned me around and pulled me into a kiss. "I can't believe that out of all the girls I've fucked I've only gotten you pregnant and I'm happy about that cause I love you." He said, ending it with a small kiss.

"I love you too." I said to him and I gave him a small kiss.

We finished showering then we got out.

I put on some ripped jeans, a black tank top and some ripped jeans with some boots. I put my hair up in a bun.

Ki put on a simple black gucci shirt with jeans.

We got in his car and went to the place where we're shooting the music video for red roses.

Cole, Landon and the girl were already there.

We started setting up while Ki, Landon and the girl aka Jessica were getting ready. (I made up the name, imagine the girl from the red roses music video)

I've already shot a music video with Cole with her in it and she seems like a pretty nice girl.

I went to go check on Ki cause the was taking a long ass time. He was putting on some jeans. He walked up to you me and out of nowhere he pulled me into a kiss.
"I love you baby girl, I'd do anything for you and my little baby." He said as he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too Ki." I said and he chuckled.

I walked back outside and finished setting up my camera.

When Ki, Landon and the girl came out we started filming.

We were getting close to done, we just needed a couple more hours, maybe around 2.

Right now it was still morning so we had enough time to finish filming today.

~ 2 hours later ~

We were already done so I started picking up the props.

Ki was changing and the girl was just watching me carry everything to the car.

I was about to go check on Ki when the girl came up to me and pushed me on my stomach. I got up and ran to Ki, purposely smacking the girl with the door.

He immediately came up to me and hugged me. "Why are you crying?" He asked me as he continued to hug me.

"The girl pushed me and I don't want to lose our baby." I said and his eyes immediately widened in shock.

He took out his phone and called my doctor to see if he could do I quick check up.

When he arrived he checked up on our baby and he said that everything's fine with the baby.

We drove home and Ki cooked for me cause he wanted to.

I swear he's the best boyfriend anyone could ever have. He does anything to make me happy and now I'm carrying his little baby. I can't believe that out of all the girls he's fucked he's only gotten me pregnant.

I love him so much like I don't even know why he's still with me, what does he find in me. Like everyone would want to be with him, be has a good body, he's cute, he's loving and he's loyal but what does he find in me.

We ate then we decided to watch TV for a bit before going to bed.

We went upstairs to get ready for bed.

Ki put on a white tank top and some basketball shorts. I put on some shorts and one of Ki's shirts.

We got in our bed and went to sleep.

Lil Skies Point of View

I was in the middle of sleeping when I felt something wet on my back, at first I thought that Kelani's water broke but then I realized that it's too early for that so I turned on the lights and saw blood all over the bed and on me and Kelani. "Baby wake up." I said and she slowly started to get up.

Then she looked around and saw blood everywhere so she immediately started crying.

We quickly went to the hospital and they sent us to one of the pregnancy rooms. They wouldn't let me inside of the room with Kelani and everytime I tried to get in they would call security.

I just sat outside outside of her room, I was frustrated as fuck, like why can't they let me in, I'm the father.

Then a doctor came up to me and sat beside me. "Mr. Foose, I'm sorry but you aren't going to be aloud in the room until your girlfriend calms down, she's going through so much, especially since we took the baby out of her, she sadly had a miscarriage, tomorrow when we send her home, please don't remind her, don't try to do anything with her just give her some space. I know this is really hard for you but please try not to cry in front of her, you're all she's got left. She might not be able to have anymore kids especially after two very hard miscarriages." He said before he got up and left.

They finally let me inside and the first thing I saw was Kelani crying, I wanted to cry too but I had to stay strong for her. I went up to her and hugged her. She cried into my shoulder.

I cried too. I just can't stand here and watch Kelani crying, she's my baby girl, the girl that's been there for me ever since the start. I don't deserve her, I don't deserve anyone. She's the only person that will ever love me like this.

I love her so much and I always will.

✿*゚¨゚*.:。✿*♡LOVE♡ ✿*゚¨゚・ ✿



I've been wanting to ask this forever but I always forget. Does Lil Skies have dreads now?

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