Chapter One

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The young woman ran down the dark path, her feet nearly flying over the roots and rocks that littered the way. It was a cold, dark evening and every breath that she took felt like fire in her lungs as she fled from the baying hounds that were ranging ever closer. Trailing to the rear of the chasing animals were the soldiers who had released them and she knew that they were gaining on her. "This can't be happening!" she thought as she continued to run from her pursuers. The situation seemed hopeless but she pushed on with determination as her lungs burned inside her chest.

She rounded a bend in the path and saw a clearing just ahead which signaled that she had almost reached the village. "Oh, thank goodness! I'm almost there!" she exclaimed in her mind. The sound of the barking dogs continued to draw nearer so she increased her efforts knowing that the soldiers were almost upon her. But after having run so far, her strength was beginning to falter and she was worried that she might not make it.

Finally she entered the clearing and could see light shining through the windows of an inn. A sign suspended above the door read, "Midway Tavern", and it creaked loudly as it swayed in the breeze. Her breath coming in pained gulps, she put forth a last burst of speed and ran across the open space as the hounds broke out from the woods behind her.

Breathless,she ran into the tavern and loudly closed the door behind her. She quickly scanned the room to see who was there and then declared, "I need help," to anyone who would listen. The tavern was almost empty as it was nearly closing time but the two customers who were finishing their ale looked up at her in surprise. The hounds could be heard baying as they followed the trail towards the tavern and the girl began to look more anxious. "Stan, bolt the door!"cried the tavern keeper's wife from behind the counter as she realized what was happening. Her husband quickly ran to the door and did as she requested.

"Come here, girl! Be quick now!" the matron ordered and the girl rushed towards her. The plump woman took her arm and pulled her through a door and shoved her inside as the sound of the hounds grew more frantic. "Quick! Hide!" she exclaimed and then she slammed the door with a bang.

The girl desperately looked for a place to hide and saw barrels of ale as well as burlap bags filled with potatoes and onions. Spying a space behind one of the barrels, she quickly darted into the small,confined area. Just as she did so, she could hear a loud knocking on the tavern door.

"The tavern is closed for the evening unless you need a room for the night," called the tavern owner in reply.

"King's business! Open up!" a gruff voice demanded.

From her hiding place behind the casks of ale, the girl stiffened as she heard the tavern door opening. "We don't want any trouble,mister. Do you need beds for the evening and stabling for your horses? Or would you like my wife over there to get you some food?"the tavern keeper asked.

Even though she was still winded from her flight, the girl only allowed herself to take shallow breaths so she could listen to what was transpiring beyond the storage room door. "We're looking for a girl who was trespassing in the king's wood this evening," the gruff voice explained. "She's suspected of poaching and our hounds have tracked her to this place. Has anyone entered in the past few minutes?"

The girl tensed. "Now I've really gotten myself into trouble,"she thought.

"No one's entered in several hours, sir." the matron volunteered.

The girl could hear footsteps moving around the main room of the tavern which stopped suddenly as the gruff voice queried, "You! Has anyone entered this building in the past few moments?"

"Uh, no. No, sir," replied a shaky male voice. The girl thought that the soldier must be questioning one of the two patrons who had been sitting by the door.

The Wizard's Misery The Chronicles of the Midlands Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now