Chapter Twenty Five

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Brandon woke up early in the morning to someone knocking on the door. Looking at his watch as he walked to the door, he saw that it was six o'clock  in the morning . He opened the door and saw Timmy Holloway standing there. 

"We found two drunk men bragging about having made a lot of money doing a job for Jackman yesterday," he said frowning. "I thought you might like to question them," he explained. "It seems they were tracking someone and captured them with some type of a magical device."

"What?" he asked in shock wondering who they had found and how they could've found them when he was the one with the Wizard's Misery they should've been looking for. "Who did they capture?"

"Some woman," Timmy explained.

"It must have been Celine!" he realized as he quickly pulled on his shirt and boots and then followed Timmy to his office where two men were being guarded by three of his men.

"Here's the device they were using," Timmy said as he picked up a small box from his desk and handed it to Brandon who opened it to reveal a gyroscopic device with a pointer.

"What did the woman you captured look like?" Brandon asked, wondering why the magical device would lead them to anyone other than himself.

"The white haired bitch kicked me in my groin and almost broke my wrist!" one of the men explained angrily.

"That wildcat had blue eyes and really long, white hair," the other man explained. "But, I put an end to it."

Before he even knew what he was doing, Brandon grabbed the man by his collar and pulled him to his feet. "What did you do to her?" he asked threateningly with his emerald eyes flashing.

"He punched her in the face and knocked her lights out before she could get away," the other man volunteered. "Jackman cut our pay for bruising her face," he added giving his partner a mean look.

It took all of Brandon's self control to stop himself from giving the man a sound beating being completely livid that they'd hurt Celine. "Where did you take the girl?" he demanded, shaking the man.

"To a little cottage outside of town," the man answered anxiously, seeing how mad Brandon was. "I'll take you there if you like," he volunteered apprehensively and then Brandon released him.

"That's exactly what you're going to do," Brandon replied as Timmy sent one of his men to tell the stable master to get the horses ready. "I'm going to get Haverty and my gear," he told Timmy as he left to get ready.

Within a short while, Brandon, Haverty, the two men along with two of Timmy's men were riding out of town on Ferry Loop Road heading towards Ferry Town. Soon, they turned down a rough driveway studded with potholes making them slow the horses the to a walk. When they finally reached the end of the drive way, one of Celine's kidnappers got a worried look on his face. "The big coach that was here is gone," he told them as Brandon looked around. He could see tracks on the ground where two horses had been lead from the barn.

"That coach must've taken off down that field, Sir," Haverty said, pointing. "You can see the tracks through the wet grass."

Brandon quickly headed towards the field where he saw the tracks going straight through open gates to the Central Plains. "He's taking her to the Tower," Brandon said as he saw that the path which had been trampled through the tall, golden grass headed northwestward.

"We're going to go after them," he grimly explained. "Ask Timmy to get word to Jack Rushing in Halfaway that we're going after his daughter and tell Timmy I said, 'thank you'," he requested as he looked at Timmy's men and the two men nodded. 

The Wizard's Misery The Chronicles of the Midlands Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now