Chapter Ten

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Brandon awoke suddenly, feeling that something was wrong. The sun was streaming through the window, and he glanced around the room. Nothing seeemed to be amiss and then his eyes settled on Celine who lay sleeping. "I wonder if she's going to be feeling any better this morning?" he thought as he sat up on the cot. He swung his legs over and then peered down at Celine's sleeping form.

"Celine?" he said softly, trying to wake her. She was lying on her side and had the blanket pulled up over her head and he could hear her breathing softly underneath. "Celine?" he said a little more loudly as he put his hand on her shoulder. She didn't stir and so he gently pulled down the covers to reveal her face. Her hair lay in damp tendrils across her face and her cheeks were flushed as if she had a fever. He reached over, placing his hand on her forehead and was shocked at how hot she felt.

"Celine," he said again but strongly this time, hoping to wake her. She didn't respond so he gently shook her shoulder. Still she didn't wake up."She's gotten very sick," he thought, alarmed. "I hope it's not from the stone," he immediately thought. "Also, it's too cold in here for her,"  he thought as he put on his shirt and walked over to the hearth.

The flames had almost gone out so he carefully rebuilt the fire and after a few moments, he had managed to build it up decently and it warmed the room nicely for the sleeping girl.

He returned to her bedside and felt her forehead again. She was still feverish and shivering slightly so he took the blanket off of his cot and laid it over the one already covering her. Again he attempted to wake her, but she didn't respond. "I better get a doctor," he decided as he grabbed his cloak and flung it over his shoulders. Hooking the clasp to secure it, he turned towards the door. Then as he opened it, he gave the girl a final look before leaving the room.

He went down the hall to the stairway and quickly descended, entering the tavern. He surveyed the room and saw that it wasn't as crowded as the night before. There were only a few customers who had arrived for breakfast and they were waiting to be served.

He spied Molly standing at the bar, waiting for Bob to hand her some plates so he walked over and sat down. "Good morning, handsome," she said smiling, flirting as usual. "The maid was just sent up to take care of the extra cots and things in your room," she explained.

"Good morning and thanks," he said quickly. "But, the girl I'm traveling with has a fever and needs a doctor," he told them.

"Sorry to hear that," Molly said, accepting the plates that Bob handed to her. "Be right back," she added as she turned to deliver the food.

"We can send a stable boy to fetch Doctor Landry," Bob offered, wiping his hands on his apron.

"That would be good," Brandon answered. "Can I also get some cold water and some cloths? I'd like to cool her down some while we wait for the doctor."

"Sure thing," he answered. "We're not too busy this morning so I'll go out to the ice house and on the way, I'll tell the stable boy to get the doctor." He looked out over the bar and called over to Molly, "I'm headed out to the ice house. Keep an eye on things until I get back." She gave him a quick nod of her head as he went out the back door.

Brandon waited for him to return and started thinking. "I guess I won't be heading out to Conjurer's Swamp today. That girl keeps causing all kind of trouble and delays. What else can go wrong?" Consternation was showing clearly on his face as Molly returned.

"She's probably just caught a dose of hay fever. It is that time of year, you know," Molly replied, giving him a thoughtful look.

"I don't think it's hay fever," Brandon replied doubtfully. "The fever is too high and she wouldn't wake up."

The Wizard's Misery The Chronicles of the Midlands Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now