Chapter Five

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Celine'sstomach was in knots as they left the room to go downstairs to testtheir ruse. She was feeling all wound up with anxiety over what couldpotentially turn out to be a disaster. At the bottom of the stairsshe noticed Haverty sitting at a table eating a hearty meal. Glancingaround the room, she saw that the only other patrons were thecommander and his officers who were sitting at a table in the middleof the room, eating their breakfast in silence.

Brandonled her across the room towards Haverty and pulled out a chair andhelped her to sit down. "Good morning, Father," she saidsoftly as Brandon took his place. She was trying to hide her dreadfulfeelings and settle into the part she'd been assigned. "Did yousee the flowers that Brandon gave me?" she asked quietly as shelaid them on the table. She glanced at the soldiers to see if theywere watching and they were.

"Goodmorning, dear," Haverty replied smiling. "Yes, what a finehusband he is to bring you flowers like that," he added playinghis part.

"Beautifulflowers for my beautiful wife," Brandon said giving her a smileand grasping her hand across the table.

"Oh,you," she scolded feeling more confident as the soldiersremained sitting at their table. "You always know just what tosay!" He winked at her, thoroughly at ease and apparentlyenjoying himself. She withdrew her hand from his grip and folded herhands in her lap.

Mrs.Lyons appeared within moments carrying two mugs of steaming coffeeand two plates of fried eggs with biscuits and hash browns.

"Here'ssome breakfast for the happy couple," she explained as she putthe food onto the table.

"Itlooks delicious, thank you," Celine said gratefully, beginningto relax somewhat. She hadn't eaten a proper meal since leaving herfather's farm two nights ago and realized that she was ravenous. Shebit into a fork full of potatoes and furtively glanced at thecommander and his men. They were eating their meal and seemed not tobe paying them much attention.

Brandonsmiled at the matron, thanking her and she quickly departed, headingover to the commander's table to see if they needed anything. Brandonwatched her go and then said, "Well, after we eat I guess we'lltake off for King's Port so we can be home by the end of the day."Then he took a bite of his food. "It's been a nice vacation butI'll be glad to be home," he added as if making conversation.

"Yes,it was nice to get away for a while," Celine agreed, playingalong. The soldiers at the other table appeared not to be giving themmuch attention but she felt that it was still important to continuethe pretense until they left just in case they were listening. "Iloved seeing East Port again. It's been such an exciting trip! But,I'll be glad to finally be home, too," she honestly agreed.

Havertyfinished eating and rose to leave, "I'll go see to the horseswhile you two love birds finish eating," he quipped as he pulledon his cloak. "I'll have them ready by the time you're done."

Brandonand Celine continued to eat in silence and she stole a glance at thecommander, noticing him looking at her. He wiped his mouth and gaveher a hard look and she looked away, taking a sip of her coffee. "Doyou think it'll take long to get home?" she asked Brandoncontinuing the conversation to reinforce their charade.

"Weshould be home by dinner time," Brandon responded. "I guesswe'll have the last meal of our vacation at the Wayfarer. I know it'syour favorite," he said smiling. He looked over at the soldier'stable for the first time and nodded his head at them in greeting.Celine looked over and saw the commander looking irritated.

Celinetook a bite of her biscuit and chewed it slowly. "It seemsthat this is working! They aren't coming to arrest me!" shethought and relaxed further. "Maybe boldness can be an assetafter all!"

The Wizard's Misery The Chronicles of the Midlands Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now