Chapter Three

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Suddenlya light knock on the door disturbed Celine's thoughts and Brandonquietly entered the room. "Can you hear the hounds? The soldiersare returning," he said as he went to the chair where the girlhad left her belongings and started taking off his cloak and boots.Startled, the young woman began to feel very anxious, notunderstanding what he was doing. She could hear the hounds barking inthe yard below and her heart started thumping in her chest.

"Whatare you doing?" she asked nervously.

"Youngwomen don't usually travel alone. This is the only way that you won'tlook suspicious and I can keep watch over you and that gem. So, actlike your sleeping." With that he pulled off his shirt andjumped onto the bed. He climbed under the blanket just as they heardthe dogs entering the tavern yard. The girl's heart was beating likea drum and she had to admit that she'd never felt so scared in herlife.

Withinmoments, they heard the tavern door bang open as the soldiers enteredthe building and muffled conversation took place in the tap roombelow followed by heavy footsteps on the stairs.

Thegirl felt every muscle in her body tighten with stress as thefootsteps reached the top of the stairway. Next to her, Brandon moveda little closer and put his arm around her. "Just relax and actlike you're supposed to be here and everything will be all right.When they come in just keep quiet and let me do the talking," hewhispered.

Sheheard doors opening and the tavern keeper talking as the soldiersstarted going room to room searching for her. When the men finallygot to their door, they heard the tavern keeper tell the soldiersthat the room was occupied. Then someone banged loudly on the doorand Brandon called out, "Who's there?"

Thedoor was suddenly flung open and two men came in carrying lanterns."We have to search the room," one of the soldiers explainedand the girl recognized the gruff voice of the soldier she had heardearlier. In a protective gesture, Brandon quickly pulled the blanketup to cover the girl's head more completely and then he proppedhimself up on his elbow.

"What'sthe meaning of this, waking up me and my wife at this time of thenight?" he asked in irritation.

"We'researching the village for the fugitive that was trespassing in theforest. Since she was first tracked to this tavern, we're beginninghere," the gruff man said holding the lantern high. He wasdressed in a dark blue uniform with a long sword strapped to hisside. Beside him a similarly dressed man started approaching the bed.The girl grabbed the blanket and tucked it firmly under her chin asthe man drew nearer. She was quaking with fear, afraid that she'd befound out. He stopped a few feet from the bed and bent over to get acloser look at her.

"Itold you this room was occupied by some newlyweds and as you can see,there's no one else in there! Please stop disturbing my customers!"the tavern keeper demanded from the door way.

"Don'tinterfere! This is king's business!" the surly soldier snappedas he held the lantern up and approached the bed and stood next tothe other officer. "Who are you?" he asked as the otherofficer brought the lantern closer to her face.

"She'smy wife, that's who! You have no right barging in here and treatingus like this!" Brandon shouted at them. "Obviously we'vebeen here all evening! You saw me downstairs when you were here thefirst time!"

"Thegirl wasn't with you," the soldier retorted. "Where wasshe?"

"Shewas -" Brandon began but the soldier cut him off.

"Lether speak!" he demanded.

Theyoung woman was wound tighter than a top with fear and was stillgrasping the dagger hidden under the blanket. Her voice quivered asshe answered. "My name's Celine and I was tired from travelingall day and came up here early to get ready for bed," sheexplained.

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