Chapter Twenty Nine

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The evening was cold with a promise of the coming winter evident in the chilly wind that was blustering through the tall, golden grass of the plain as the lone coach came to a halt in the sea of waving reeds. Dusk had just begun it's darkening, and in the gloaming light, Brandon climbed down from the driver's seat and told Celine to stay put while he unhitched the team of horses. Haverty had already dismounted from his horse and he began tending to it as Jackman could be heard yelling for something to eat from within the coach.

Celine disregarded his pleas for her to come and feed him and instead, she just pulled the blankets more tightly around herself as the wind continued to whistle by. Even though she detested him, she was grateful for Jackman's foresight in bringing the coach to sleep in as it was far too cold and windy to sleep outside on the plain and she tried to keep that in mind as she endured his wailing. "I'm hungry, Beautiful! Bring me something to eat!" he continued to whine and Celine sighed knowing that there was nothing to give him as they had finished all the provisions earlier that afternoon and she knew that he was going to persist in his demands until he fell asleep.

"Just ignore him," Brandon told her as he worked. "Haverty already told him that there wasn't going to be anymore food until we reach Deep Run tomorrow. He just wants to get your attention."

"I know," she murmured as she looked up at the clear, star studded sky and yawned. "It would be a beautiful evening if it weren't so cold," she commented more to herself than to Brandon who nodded as he finished tending to the horses.

"Are you ready to go inside?" he asked as he came over to her side of the coach and offered her his hand so he could help her alight. She nodded and took his hand, stepping down into the tall grass which came up to her waist as he helped her.

They walked over to the carriage door which Brandon opened and Jackman was sitting right there on the floor blocking their way. "I'm sleeping on the seat tonight," he said stubbornly as he tried to stand so he could claim it.

"Go ahead," Brandon told him as he put his arm around Celine's shoulders, pulling her up against him. "Celine and I will gladly sleep together on the floor. It's so cold that I'd enjoy having her beside me to help keep warm. Come on, Celine, let's go in," he said as he lifted her up into his arms and she put her arms around his neck to hold on while she looked into his face with surprise.

"Put her down! Put her down!" Jackman demanded as he glared at Brandon who just stood there holding her in his arms with a big smile on his face as she felt her heart thumping in her chest as butterflies cavorted in her belly.

"What's wrong with me? Why do I feel this way?" she asked herself as she felt the taught muscles of Brandon's arms holding her securely while she rested against his firm, strong chest.

"I'll put her down once your on the seat. So, hurry up," Brandon told him and the man looked torn over what he wanted to do.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Jackman finally decided. "So, just put her down so she can get in."

Brandon set her down gently and she quickly sat down on the seat she had slept on the night before as Brandon climbed in and shut the door. Jackman had rolled himself to Celine's side of the coach and Brandon scooted him away with his foot and then laid down in his spot. Celine swung her feet up and then handed Brandon his blanket, quickly covering herself more securely with he remaining blanket as Haverty came through the door.

"It's going to be much colder tonight, Sir," Haverty said as he sat down on his seat and picked up his blanket.

"I need a blanket!" Jackman demanded as he sat up. "It's not fair that I have to sleep on the floor and not have a blanket again when it's even colder tonight!"

The Wizard's Misery The Chronicles of the Midlands Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now