Chapter Thirty Two

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Sarah returned with two mugs of ale and when she placed Brandon's mug down, he didn't look at her cleavage which she displayed to him. Instead, he gave her a cursory glance when he thanked her because he continued to look at Celine. So, frowning she set Haverty's mug down while watching Brandon as he and Celine stared at each other. Looking jealous, she was about to say something when Haverty asked her to take their plates.

Brandon stopped staring at Celine and handed Sarah his plate and Celine's  and Sarah knew immediately that something had changed since Brandon wasn't paying her any attention. Instead he kept stealing glances at Celine every few moments while Celine sat back in her chair happily smiling. Then seeing that Celine was the center of Brandon's attention, Sarah just took the plates and quietly left.

Brandon sipped his ale, completely thrilled because of Celine's confession and he was happy as she continued to stare and smile at him. He couldn't take his eyes off her since he was still shocked that she actually returned his feelings. Suddenly, she stood up swaying and Brandon immediately went to her assistance as she tried to steady herself by holding onto the table. "I'll be right back," she told him as started to leave the table, stumbling a little.

Brandon hurried to her side and put his arm around her, steadying her and she leaned up against him, looking up into his face. "You're so handsome, Green Eyes," she said and he chuckled.

"Where are you going?" he asked her softly. "I'll take you there," he told her as she nodded her head.

"Okay," she said as she motioned for him to come closer so he bent his head down towards her. "I have to pee," she whispered into his ear.

"I thought so," he replied still chuckling as he began to guide her through the crowded tavern so she wouldn't trip and fall. "Next time you shouldn't drink so many ales that fast," he told her softly as she leaned against him while they walked.

"No, I guess not," she agreed. "Didn't know," she added as they reached the latrine and he opened the door for her.

"Will you be alright? Or should I get Sarah to help you?" he asked her.

"No! I don't like Sarah at all," she told him jealously as she stepped away from him and grabbed the door frame. "I'll be alright," she assured him as she went inside and shut the door.

"I can't believe that she actually likes me," he thought happily. Then he remembered how Sarah kept flashing her boobs at him and how he had looked at them and he wondered if Celine had noticed."She must have or else she wouldn't have said she didn't like her," he realized worriedly. "Well, I won't pay any more attention to Sarah so Celine won't have any more reason to be jealous," he decided.

A few moments later, Celine opened the door and stepped out and Brandon took her arm as she leaned up against the door frame. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked as he put his arm around her.

She nodded and looked up at him apologetically. "I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't know," she told him. "Pa never got like this."

"Well, it's a miracle you're even able to stand since you've never drank before and you drank more than what most people can handle," he told her as she leaned against his side as he held her.

"Oh," she replied. "Next time I won't drink so much," she promised with her sapphire eyes still looking apologetic.

"Do you want me to take you to your room?" he asked and she immediately got a fierce look on her face.

"No!" she exclaimed loudly. "I'm not leaving you with that Sarah," she told him as she looked up at him with her eyes flashing. "I saw what you two were doing," she told him and her eyes were filled with jealousy as she recalled him looking at her.

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