Chapter Twenty Six

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"Now what are you going to do to me?" Jackman asked. "You have what you came for so why keep me tied up?"

"We're going to lock you up until we can prosecute you for killing Pete Littleton and kidnapping Celine," Brandon told him as he motioned for Haverty. "Let's put him into the coach and see what kind of supplies he has. I'm hungry," he explained. Then he picked Jackman up by the arms as Haverty took his feet and they carried him into the coach, putting him onto one of the seats before shutting the door.

"I need a blanket! It's going to get cold!" Jackman yelled from inside the coach.

"I'll do it, Sir," Haverty said as he went back inside and covered the man with a blanket.

While they had been dealing with Jackman, Celine had retrieved the picnic basket and she handed it to Brandon. "I think this is all we have," she said as thanked her.

He opened it and saw the biscuits, cheese and apples and he took out a biscuit. "We'll have to make this last until we get to Deep Run. I'm sending him to our base camp to be kept under lock and key," he explained, handing the biscuit to Haverty when he returned.

"How long will it take to get there?" Celine asked a little anxiously. "I need to let Pa know that I'm okay."

"I sent word to your father this morning that we were going after you," Brandon told her. "But, its about a day and a half to Deep Run," he explained apologetically. "It's just half a day further than Central City and I really need to get him there before he causes any more trouble. There's also a courier station and we can send word to your father as soon as we get there."

"Okay, thank you for letting Pa know that you were coming for me," she said gratefully. "And I guess a half of a day doesn't really make much of a difference."

"I'm going to go get the horses, Sir," Haverty said as he finished his biscuit and headed away.

Brandon carried the picnic basket over to the coach and placed it on the driver's seat and then looked at Celine. "Haverty and I don't have any blankets since we left in a such a hurry," he explained with a small frown. "So, I guess we'll all have to sleep inside the coach. It might be crowded but it'll be warmer."

"We have two other blankets than the one Jackman is using," Celine explained with a small smile. "Since you came all the way on my account, I'll let you use mine," she said as she handed him her blanket.

As soon as he received it, he put it back over her shoulders. "You don't even have a cloak. So, you use the blankets. Haverty and I will be fine."

"I don't need two blankets and I'll gladly share with you," she said blushing as she realized he might misunderstand her intent. "What I meant was," she started to explain and he smiled at her.

"I'll share with you," he interrupted. "I'd rather share with you than Haverty," he told her, giving her a mischievous smile which caused her to blush even more.

"I'm just teasing you," he told her smiling. "I know you meant that you'd share one without laying with me under it," he said and chuckled. "But, I really would rather share a blanket with you than with Haverty," he said honestly and she blushed again.

Haverty returned with the horses and tied them to the coach as Brandon and Celine watched. "We're all going to sleep inside," Brandon explained as he checked that the brake was set.

"It'll be warmer that way, Sir," Haverty replied, walking towards them.

"You get the seat," Brandon called over to the older man. "Celine and I are going to share a blanket on the floor," he explained and Celine looked mortified. He went over and put his arm around her shoulders and started leading her inside. "Don't step on us when you come in," he added chuckling as he saw how embarrassed she was.

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