Chapter Eleven

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Brandon entered the tavern and noticed it was busy with lunch customers as he crossed the room. He went up to the bar where Bob was busy cooking and took a seat with some men who were drinking ale. Bob noticed him sitting there and turned from the grill. "How's the young lady doing?" he asked in a friendly manner.

"She still has the fever but she's sleeping soundly so I thought I'd come down and get something to eat," Brandon explained.

"What can I get for you?" Bob asked from behind the bar, smiling. "I've got roast chicken, roast beef and fish. Which would you like?"

"I'd like some roast beef and a mug of ale sent upstairs," he answered. "But first, can you have some hot water sent up so I can wash?" Brandon asked.

"Sure," Bob replied pouring him some ale from the tap and handing it to him. "I'll send the chamber maid up with the hot water and then I'll send the food when it's ready," he explained.

Molly approached the bar carrying some dirty plates and noticing Brandon sitting there, she smiled at him. "How's your lady friend doing?"she asked as she went behind the bar and placed the dishes onto along table at the back of the kitchen area. Two young women stood nearby washing dishes in a large wash basin and they ignored her as she added to the growing pile.

"She's still feverish and sound asleep. The doctor just left a moment ago," Brandon explained and took a sip of the cool ale.

"Yeah, I saw him leaving. Is she going to be alright?" she asked as Bob handed her two more plates of food.

"He's a little concerned at how soundly she's sleeping," he answered.

"Now don't go thinking that she's Sleeping Beauty needing a kiss to wake her," Bob teased as he handed Molly two mugs of ale to go along with the plates.

"He better not!" Molly sharply responded with jealousy. She looked at Brandon. "He's my man after all," she said giving him a sharp look as she sauntered away.

"She'staking things a little too seriously for just one kiss," he realized with a little bit of irritation. "I'm going to have to do something about her without hurting her feelings," he thought as he turned from the bar and headed towards the stairs.

Shortly after he got back to the room, the chamber maid appeared carrying a large, steaming pitcher of water with two fluffy towels draped over her arm. He opened the door for her to enter and he watched as she carried the pitcher over to the screen which separated the rest of the room from the toilet area and disappeared behind it. She reappeared a few moments later and crossed the room. "Do you need anything else, sir?" she asked from the doorway.

"No, thank you," he said as he bent over and took the damp cloth off of Celine's forehead. He could hear the chamber maid quietly shutting the door behind her as he reached over and dipped the cloth back into the bucket of melting ice and wrung it out. He gently placed the cloth back onto her brow but she didn't stir at all as the cold cloth touched her brow.

He rose and walked over to his saddle bags which were still lying in the corner where Haverty had placed them and pulled out a clean shirt, socks and pants. He stepped behind the screen and went over to the wash stand thinking, "I wish I could get a real bath!" as he pulled off his shirt. He poured some hot water onto the soft cloth which was folded neatly on the stand and then he lathered it with the bar of white soap that was set in the bowl. First he washed his face and then looking in the mirror, he decided to trim his beard. He liked to keep it neatly trimmed and so he retrieved the small scissors that he kept in his saddle bag for that purpose.

After he trimmed his beard and was satisfied with his reflection, he looked over at Celine to see if she was still sleeping. Satisfied that she was still soundly asleep, he bent over and pulled off his boots followed by his socks and he carefully washed his feet. Then he stole another glance her way and swiftly removed his pants thinking, "I hope the girl doesn't wake up until I'm done!", and began to wash himself earnestly, standing on the towel that the chambermaid had placed on the floor. When he was done washing, he quickly grabbed the other towel and dried himself off and got dressed.

The Wizard's Misery The Chronicles of the Midlands Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now