Chapter Thirty Four

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"Well, we might as well go to sleep," Brandon said as the fire died out as he stood up and took her hand, helping her to rise. "I hope the blankets are still inside. It's going to be real cold since there's no clouds this evening," he said as he walked over to the coach and climbed inside.

He emerged a moment later. "The blankets are gone," he said, sounding a little concerned. "Let me see if there's blanket in the boot. Most people store at least one there for emergencies," he explained as he went around to the back of the coach and opened the trunk.

He came back a moment later with a smile on his face. "This blanket was inside and there's a first aid kit as well as some tools. So, Draper did well," he told her sounding pleased. "But, we'll have to share," he added apologetically with a big smile on his face.

As soon as he said it, her heart started beating real fast with excitement and butterflies started flying in her stomach at the prospect of being cuddled up in his arms to keep warm while they slept. "Are you okay with that?" he asked her as he opened the coach's door and waited for her to climb inside.

She nodded and he helped her in and followed after, shutting the door behind him as she listened to her heart beating like a drum in her chest as she stood there not knowing what to do.

He sat down on the floor and looked up at her. "It's alright," he told her. "I won't bite you or anything. So, just lay down and relax," he told her as he took off his sword, setting it beside him and pulling off his boots. When he was finished, he laid down and motioned for her to come and lay beside him.

She nervously unbuckled her sword belt and took it off as she looked at the vacant spot beside him. "Even though I really want to do this, it's still improper. What would Pa say?" she asked herself as she stood there not knowing what to do. "But, it's already cold and it's going to get colder," she realized as she considered letting him use the blanket while they both slept on the seats.

She stood there hesitating when he quietly took her hand. "There's nothing that can be done about it. There's only one blanket and it's almost winter time. It just can't be helped," he explained apologetically as he gently pulled her down to the floor.

She didn't resist and sat down beside him in the semi dark coach which was only lit by the moonlight streaming in through the windows, seeing that he had an unreadable expression on his face. "Just take off your boots and lay down," he told her while and she nervously pulled off her boots. "We'll just help keep each other warm," he told her. "It'll be like the other night when we tried to trick Jackman. It won't be that bad."

"Okay," she said finally as she laid down and he took the blanket and spread it over them as he laid on his side. Then he scooted closer to her, getting up on one elbow and reaching over her while she lay on her back to tuck the blanket beneath her side. "My heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest!" she thought as he leaned over her.

"She's so nervous," he thought as he looked down into her face which was illuminated by the moonlight as she lay there with all her muscles tense. He picked up her head and she looked at him startled as he stretched his arm out and then he gently set her head back down on top of it. "You'll be more comfortable like that and I can stretch out my arm," he explained and then he pulled her closer to him and he put his other arm across her belly, closing his eyes.

After awhile he felt her relax and he looked at her through his eye lashes to see if she was sleeping. She had her eyes closed and he gazed at her beautiful face, wishing that she would roll over and cuddle up against him. As if she had heard, she did exactly that, putting her arm around his waist, snuggling up against his chest. He put his arms more tightly around her, slowly and carefully putting his leg over her hip as he gently moved even closer to her. Then he tucked her  head carefully beneath his chin and lay there reveling in her closeness, as he cuddled her sleeping form against him. He fell asleep like that, feeling completely happy and content with her softness nestled beside him as he slept.

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