Chapter Forty

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Celine heard the door to the bathing chamber being unlocked and then Lynnie opened the door. "Your bath is ready, Miss," she said smiling. "I've put your clothes on the rack in there and I'll wait in here until you call me to do up the laces on your dress," she told Celine as she came into the room.

"Okay, Lynnie. Thank you," Celine said as she entered the bathing chamber and shut the door. She looked around the room which was dominated by a large bath tub then seeing the other door, she quickly went to it to make sure that it was locked. It was and she sighed even though she had expected it.

The room smelled wonderful and she went to the tub where the scent was emanating from and realized that Lynnie must have put perfume into the water. Then she noticed the bottles of shampoo and hair conditioner, the sea sponge as well as the bar of pressed soap that were sitting beside two very large, fluffy towels on the table beside the tub. "Jackman must be very wealthy to afford such luxurious things," she concluded with a slight frown, knowing how he must have gotten his money. 

She began to take out her braid and then she washed hair before putting on a generous amount of conditioner. She had never used conditioner before and she was amazed at how soft it made her hair after she rinsed it out. "When I start working for the courier office and can afford to buy this, I'm going to start using it on a regular basis," she decided as she piled her hair on top of her head and tied several loose knots in it to keep it out of the water. "He must be trying to impress me by pampering me," she thought as she undressed and stepped into the fragrant water. Then she picked up the aromatic soap and began to wash using the sea sponge, enjoying the most luxurious bath she had ever had.

When she stepped out of the tub, it occurred to her that she'd never smelled so good in her entire life as the scents from her bath lingered on her skin and she began using the extra soft, fluffy towels to dry herself. After she had wrapped a towel around her, she walked over to the clothes rack and saw the sapphire blue gown and matching slippers which Lynnie had placed there and she began to dress.

Finished, she walked over to the full length, standing mirror and looked at her reflection, noticing how the dress bared her shoulders and clung to her in spite of the fact that the laces running up the back were still fairly loose. "When Lynnie tightens the laces, this gown is going to fit me like a glove and be very revealing," she realized with a frown. "I don't want to wear such an immodest dress! I'm going to ask for a different one and hopefully since I'm supposed to be an important guest, they'll bring me one!" she decided as she called for Lynnie who quickly responded.

"Let me tighten the laces for you," the girl said as she walked into the room.

"Please, may I have a different gown? I don't like how revealing this one is," she requested with a hopeful look on her face and Lynnie gave a small laugh.

"All the gowns we have are revealing and show off the girls' figures and this is one of the few that will fit you," Lynnie explained as she smiled at her. "Don't worry. It will look great on you and Mr. Jackman will really like it," she said as she went behind Celine and began to tighten the laces.

When she was finished, Celline looked in the mirror and blushed as she realized that the bodice was not only tight fitting but it also revealed the tops of her breasts and that the rest of the gown fit so tightly that it left nothing to the imagination. "Lynnie, I can't wear this," she implored, giving the girl a beseeching look. "Please bring me any other gown but this one."

"Until Madame can have dresses made for you, the only other one we have is red and it fits tightly just like this one. But, it's slit up the sides, showing your legs and Madame thought that this one would look better on you since it matches your eyes," Lynnie explained as she looked at her trying not to giggle and Celine wondered if the girl was being honest. "Besides you look prettier in this dress than any of the other girls. You should be happy," she added as she turned to go back into the bedroom.

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