Chapter Seven

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Celinewatched as Haverty quickly untied the horses and the sound ofthundering hooves grew increasingly louder as he lead them to whereshe and Brandon stood at the side of the road.

Suddenly,a rider appeared and the three watched as he rounded the bend at afull gallop followed by two men trailing close behind. The firstrider took quick looks behind him to see if the other riders weregaining on him as he charged full speed ahead. As the first riderpassed, Celine gasped in shock.

"Oh,no! That's my cousin, Robin! They must be after him!" shehollered and started towards one of the horses full of adrenaline.

"Whatare you doing?" Brandon shouted at her as the two other ridersrushed by.

"We'vegot to help him! They're gaining on him!" she said desperatelyas she prepared to mount the closest horse.

"Waita moment! They're stopping!" Haverty said excitedly. The threeof them watched as the first rider dismounted and ran over to theedge of the woods bordering the road. He drew his sword as the twoother riders quickly dismounted and chased after him, drawing theirswordsl.

"We'vegot to help him! Give me your sword!" Celine demanded anxiouslyand reached out her hand.

"I'mnot giving you my sword," Brandon said incredulously. "You'resick! We'll go see what's going on. You stay here with the horses,"he stated firmly and started jogging up the road. Haverty handed herthe reins and then ran after him.

Celinewatched as they ran towards the three men engaged in a sword fightand suddenly realized that she felt a little better. She wasn't ashot, her stomach had settled down and her dizziness was starting toabate. "That surge of adrenaline must've knocked the sicknessout of me," she deduced as she watched Brandon reach thefighting men, closely followed by Haverty.

"Hey,what's going on here?" Brandon asked in a loud, authoritativevoice. He and Haverty were standing side by side, hands on the hiltsof their swords.

"Mindyour own business, mister," one of the men yelled as he thrusthis sword at Robin. Robin parried and then deftly dodged an attack bythe other assailant.

"Twoagainst one isn't a fair fight," Brandon remarked loudly.

"Itold you to mind.. your own... business!" the man hollered as heturned towards him, ready to attack.

Brandonquickly pulled out his sword and took a defensive posture as the mancharged him. "Now you've done it," Haverty said, drawinghis sword and shaking his head.

Brandoneasily sidestepped the attack and struck out with his blade whichlanded in the man's side. The man stopped and grabbed his woundedside as blood began to spread out around his hand, staining his shirtas he looked down in shock. "Never charge an opponent when he'sexpecting you," Brandon advised him. "You're lucky I onlygrazed you," he added seriously.

Theman turned, stumbling quickly to his horse and mounted while holdinghis injured side with one hand. "Come on, we're out numbered,"he yelled to his comrade still engaging Robin in combat. The otherman made a final thrust which Robin blocked then dashed to his horse,practically jumping on and he took off after his buddy who hadalready fled down the road.

"Shouldwe go after them, Sir?" Haverty asked, sliding his sword intoits scabbard.

Brandonlooked down at Robin who was bent over, panting from exertion havingfought the two men. "I don't know, should we?" Brandonasked him.

Robinstraightened and looked up, "By the time we get our horses,they'll be far ahead of us," he said breathlessly. "Besides,they didn't get anything." He added.

"Whatwas all that about, if you don't mind me asking?" Brandon askedcuriously as he wiped his sword off on the grass.

"Ithink they were going to rob me," Robin explained as he put hissword away. "I noticed them following me after I left King'sPort. But, I didn't think anything of it until they charged up behindme just down the road from here and when I thought to make way forthem to pass, they came after me."

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