Chapter Forty Five

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Brandon and Haverty drove all day heading northwestward in the direction that the anti-magic detector pointed and by the time the sun went down, they could just barely make out the white dot that was the Tower far off in the distance. "We should be able to see Bruce and his men as we get closer tomorrow and we should try to meet up with them before we get to the Tower. That way we can arrive together and begin the siege," Brandon said as he handed Haverty a sandwich. "So, tomorrow we should head west northwest to run into them."

"Sounds good, Sir," Haverty agreed. "I know you're anxious to get the Little Miss back."

"Tomorrow makes four days since she was taken by bounty hunters and they probably didn't feed her and who knows what they're going to do to her at Tower. So, she may be in really bad shape when we finally get her," Brandon said worriedly.

"Let's hope for the best, Sir," Haverty said. "She'll be alive and we can always nurse her back to health if they haven't been feeding her and giving her enough water."

"We need Martin to come up with something right now and he thinks he only has to make something that will cover the small, fake stone and not a whole person," Brandon said feeling frustrated as he ate.

"I think Martin had his suspicions and that was why he took some of her hair, Sir," Haverty told him with a small smile. "I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up with something made especially for her."

"I hope you're right," Brandon said. "He must have thought something since he took her hair like that. So, we can hope."

They finished eating and entered the coach to get some sleep so they could get an early start in the morning and hopefully catch up with the rebels.

Brandon woke up before dawn and looking at his watch, saw that it was five o'clock. He decided to get up and hitch the horses to get ready to start out. So, he sat up, pulled on his boots, put on his cloak and headed outside and while he was working, Haverty appeared and began helping him and soon they started off.

Brandon drove the team, heading west northwest for several hours and when it was midday, they finally reached the rebels, joining them at the head of the line where Bruce was leading his men. Bruce came on board the coach and Haverty drove so the two men could sit inside and discuss  strategy.

"So, Maledictor got the Wizard's Misery back," Bruce said with a small frown. "Martin's been saying some crazy stuff. He says that the anti-magic is in that beautiful woman you brought to the canyon and he made her a cloak that will hide her from those detectors," Bruce said shaking his head.

"He made her a cloak?" Brandon asked pleasantly surprised.

"She and her hair and that cloak are all he's been talking about for days. I have the cloak stashed in my gear if you want it," Bruce said shaking his head.

"He's right, you know. Celine swallowed the damned thing when I first met her and now the anti-magic is in her just like Martin is saying. We just found out around the time she was captured. So, yeah, I want that cloak so we can hide her as soon as we get her back," Brandon told him.

"The beautiful woman is the Wizard's Misery and she was taken to the Tower by bounty hunters and now we're going to get her back," Bruce reiterated. "So, this is a rescue mission."

"Yes," Brandon answered. "And she was taken four days ago so she's probably in pretty rough shape. She was tiny to begin with and if they've been starving her, it isn't going to be good and I may very well kill someone over it," Brandon said angrily.

"Calm down, my friend," Bruce said. "She may be perfectly fine. Those Tower guards are stationed there for six months at a time without seeing any women. So, with her looks, someone will be feeding her. She may have to pay for it. But, someone will feed her. You can count on it."

The Wizard's Misery The Chronicles of the Midlands Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now