Chapter Thirty Seven

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They arrived in Halfaway in the early evening and Brandon sent Haverty to the Crossroads Inn to get them their rooms while he took Celine home. They rode the horses down the dirt drive and before they reached the house, her father came out onto the porch and waited for them to arrive. "Celine!" he said happily as he helped her to dismount and then he hugged her tightly.

"Thank goodness you made it home alright!" he said as he held her at arm's length, seeing the fading bruise on her chin. "How did you get that bruise?" he asked her and she told him, and he began to look angry. "Well, you go on in and put your things away while I speak to Brandon," he told her.

She looked at Brandon, wanting to give him a hug good bye but she didn't think Pa would approve. "Have a safe trip and let me know when you hear from Martin," she requested giving him an imploring look.

"I will. I always keep my promises," he told her, giving her an assuring smile.

"Well, thank you for everything," she said gratefully and then she ran over to him and gave him a quick hug before blushing and running inside with her back pack.

"Looks like you didn't keep your promise. She's smitten with you," Pa said, giving Brandon a hard look as he lead Sprite to the stable.

"I never let on and she still doesn't know, Sir," Brandon told him firmly. "She fell for me on her own and even told me how she feels. But, since I promised, I never told her how I feel about her."

"Does she suspect? Is that why she likes you?" Pa asked him as they stood in front of the stable.

"When she confessed her feelings, she said that she thought that I didn't like her and that she didn't care and was going to like me anyway," Brandon explained. "But, she's been through a lot recently and I've had to comfort her so she may have started suspecting and just doesn't know for sure how I feel."

"Alright," Pa said and sighed. "It can't be helped if she's developed feelings for you on her own and I appreciate that you kept your word. So, what are you going to do?"

"For right now, I'm going to go and do what I need to do. But, if I can have your permission, I'd like to stop in from time to time to see her," Brandon said with a hopeful look on his face. "It shouldn't be long now and all this mess will be over. We have the Wizard's Misery and can neutralize Maledictor very soon."

"You have the Wizard's Misery?" he asked in shock.

"That stone that Robin gave to Celine to deliver was the Wizard's Misery," Brandon explained. "But, we have some issues to iron out with it since Maledictor knows we have it and is looking for it. So, I can't just take it to Sovereign City and end things tomorrow. But, it will be soon. Real soon."

"Celine had that thing?" Pa asked. "I never trusted magic and won't let it in my home."

"She did have it and that's why she got kidnapped. The real one got switched with the fake one by accident. But, I have the real one now," Brandon told him.

"Is Celine still in danger?" Pa asked him looking a little concerned.

"Once I leave with the stone, she shouldn't be. They have devices to find it and once I leave, they'll be following me and not her," he explained.

"Alright," Pa said. "As for stopping by, you're welcome to as long as you don't bring that thing with you. I don't allow magic on my farm."

"Thank you, Sir, and I assure you that I won't bring it," he said smiling. "So, do I have permission to tell her how I feel the next time I see her?"

"I guess you might as well since she already has feelings for you," Pa said, giving him a hard look. "But, if you break her heart, I'll come looking for you and you'll wish you had never laid eyes on her."

The Wizard's Misery The Chronicles of the Midlands Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now