Chapter Four

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Celinewas disoriented when she woke up and couldn't remember where she was."I'm at the tavern and the soldiers are downstairs!" sheremembered. She couldn't believe that she'd slept so soundly with allthe excitement the night before.

Lookingat the fireplace she realized that Brandon was gone. Light wasstreaming into the room from the window and she could hear thesoldiers moving about outside. She hoped that they were preparing toleave but tensed at the thought of what she was facing. "It'llbe a miracle if I escape this!"

Sheswung her legs out of the bed and headed to the chair to retrieve herboots and back pack. She dug inside her pack, pulling out a cleanchange of clothes, quickly dressed and then carefully braided herhair into a single golden braid that hung heavily down past her hips.

Shebuckled on her belt with the dagger securely attached and then shegrabbed her cloak. She knew that wearing the cloak was going to be amistake so she folded it and tried to place it into the pack with herother belongings. But the small pack was too full and she couldn'tbuckle it shut so she took everything out. She carefully foldedeverything she had haphazardly tossed inside when she was hurrying toleave Halfaway. Then she put the cloak into the pack followed byeverything else. It was a tight fit but she could finally get itbuckled.

Theroom was a little chilly so she went to the fireplace to see if shecould relight the fire. The coals from last night were stillsmoldering so she slowly added some tinder from a basket beside thehearth and gently blew on it. A thin curl of smoke floated up in ameager tendril so she carefully blew some more. It caught on and asshe turned to retrieve some kindling from the basket, she noticedthat Brandon's sword still hung on the back of the chair. Once shethe fire was burning brightly, she turned to the chair where thesword hung enticingly.

Shepicked it up and it sang as she pulled it from the scabbard. Sheadmired it's weight and quality as she held it comfortably in herhand. It was heavier and much finer than the one she used to practicewith her father. But, she thought she could still wield it and so sheslashed at the air around her. Then deciding that exercise would helpdispel some of her anxiety, she chose to do the warm up routine thather father had taught her. "If the soldiers come for me, atleast I'll be ready for them," she thought as she fencedwith her shadow.

Herfather always said that she reminded him of the sword dancers fromthe Eastern Lands since she was light footed and easily prancedaround her opponents. He also trained her in hand to hand combat andshe often incorporated those movements into her sword play. She knewhow to sweep the legs out from under an adversary if given the chanceand when the opportunity arrived, how to knock the sword out of herenemy's hand with her foot.

Thesword had excellent balance and she delighted in the feel of it asshe cavorted around the room. She was moving very quickly but hermovements were quiet and graceful and she enjoyed the exercise. Alight sweat broke out on her brow as she twirled and slashed, fullyabsorbed in the drill.

Whenthe door opened, she froze mid stroke and then stood very still in anattack pose. Expecting the soldiers, she was relieved to see that itwas only Brandon. He entered the room and looked surprised. "So,now you're going to fight an unarmed man with his own sword?" heremarked tersely as he closed the door behind him. But, Celinenoticed that he looked somewhat impressed as she walked over to thechair and slid the sword back into the scabbard.

Sheturned from the chair and noticed that Brandon was holding a bouquetof flowers and a package tied with pink string. "What's allthat?" she asked wiping her forehead with the back of her hand.

"Justa distraction for the other guests," he replied as he threw theflowers down on the bed and handed her the package. "Here,"he said brusquely. "You said you needed a different cloak so Iwent into town and got you one."

Celineaccepted the package and untied the string. She pulled out a plainbrown cloak and tried it on. It was a little bit big but it would dowell for traveling back to Halfaway. "Thank you," she saidgrudgingly. "But what are the flowers for?"

"They'repart of your disguise." He explained. "The soldiers aregetting ready to leave so bring them and we'll go downstairs,"he told her and retrieved his sword.

"Actlike I'm your husband that just gave you those flowers. Pretend thatyou're absolutely thrilled with them," he directed as hefinished bucking on his sword belt. "I'll carry your pack like agood husband would and you follow behind me smiling," hecommanded as he strode to the door. She hesitated, not liking theidea of leaving the room. "Come on! Haverty's already down thereeating," he ordered.

Hehesitated a moment before opening the door. "If anyone asks,he's your father and we're traveling home from a vacation at thebeach in East Port. We live in King's Port and that's where we'reheaded. Got it?"

"Okay,I got it," she said abruptly. "But, why do I have to godownstairs? Wouldn't it be smarter to just stay up here until thesoldiers leave?"

"Thecommander and his officers are eating breakfast in the tavern and asyou know they didn't find their poacher. It's almost ten in themorning and it will look suspicious if you linger up here any longer.They could be waiting for you to appear before coming up here. So,just play your part convincingly and everything will go according toplan," Brandon explained.

"Whatif they're just waiting to apprehend me?" Celine askedincredulously.

"Whatever is going to happen down there is going to happen. At least ifyou make an appearance and convince them that you're my wife, thenyou have a chance of escaping. Otherwise, I assure you that they'llbe up here in a moment and you'll be leaving in chains."

Feelinglike she was walking into a trap, she picked up the flowers andslowly handed him her pack.

"Sometimesthe boldest course of action is the best choice. Just act confidentand like everything is alright and we'll be able to fool them,"he said confidently. It seemed that confidence was a normal part ofhis nature.

Celinetook a deep breath. "So, we're a recently married coupletraveling with my father on a vacation," she reiterated inresignation. "I guess the flowers are a nice touch," sheadded reluctantly.

"Thankyou," he answered a little surprised at the complement. She hadto admit that he was pretty good at subterfuge and she wasdesperately hoping that his ploy would work.


So, Brandon managed to get Celine a cloak and not only that, but some flowers as well. Will they be found out when they go downstairs for breakfast? Is the boldest course of action always the best choice? Please read the next chapter to find out!

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