Chuseok Festival 🌙

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Chuseok Festival

You met Jaebeom on your first day at work, as a Librarian. He is your co-worker.

You always thought older people prefered the job, especially when they are near to retiring, they'd go from a busy work place, to a much calmer relaxing environment.

But you were also here, at the age of 18 and Jaebeom looked only 4 years older than you.

You were very shy and socially awkward, so this job was perfect for you. You didn't have to deal with unexpected situations or people that gave you anxiety. So you thought.

5 months later, you realised what a gentlemen he was, opening doors for others, speaking politely and you always felt calm around him.

But sometimes, he would tease you, like when he held eye contact with you for longer then a second it would freak you out, you'd blush red and he'd smirk. Or when he'd suddenly bring his face so close to you when talking. His excuse:

"We're in a library.We have to whisper"

However, today was Chuseok Festival.

Chuseok is a three-day holiday, which is spent with friends and family. The first day you had to spend it with your family, while Jaebeom stayed alone at his apartment.

His parents were out the country already, on holiday in Europe and he couldn't meet up with his friends, because they also were spending time with their own families.

After dinner, when you went up to your room, in your parents house, getting ready for bed, you got a call from Jaebeom.

"Hi. Happy Chuseok" You whisper smiled down the phone.

"Ah yeah. Happy Chuseok to you too."

"Ermm.. How come... you called at this hour?" You asked hesitantly, not wanting to sound rude.

"Well, I was thinking. How about we do something together tomorrow?  Let's go to the movies?" He asks you.

"Hmm sounds good." You say, nodding. "But not a horror movie. I know how you like that stuff, but I wouldn't be able to sleep at night." You pout, as you cuddle a plushie white cat, which you bought along with you, one that Jaebeom won for you at a fair.

"Arraso. We can discuss it more tomorrow. Enjoying your time....with your family?" He asked, but he seemed a little distracted.

"Yes! It's been lovely catching up with-" you stopped talking as you heard a knife chopping against a board.

"Are you cooking something?" You further asked.

There was a seconds silence "Maaaaybe?" You could feel Jaebeom grinning on the other end of the phone, which made you smile too.

"You can cook? And why do you say it like that?" You ask suspiciously.

"Mhmm.. and because... its a suprise. For tomorrow." He told.

"Ooh. Suprise? F-For me?"

"Maybe. Okay I must hang up now" he said softly. "I need to concentrate on this."

"W-Wait can't I get a hint?"

"Sleep well" He ended the call.

You sighed, putting away your phone.

Chivalry Is Not Dead // Jaebeom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now