Suddenly Missing you

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*phone conversation*

"It’s Thursday night, is there anything you wanna do?" JB asks.

"Hmm I don't know. I'm a bit tired from work. Why? Do you have anything in mind?" You ask while resting your head against the bus window as you're heading home.

"I... suddenly want to see you. I...miss you." JB whispers.

"We can video call when I get home then?" You suggest. You really don't want to go out anywhere. As soon as you finished work you've been looking forward to getting into your cosy bed and putting on a movie.

"No not that. I want to see you. I’ll just go see you right now."

"Right now???" You question as you get off the bus at your stop.

"Where are you now?" You hear a beep from his end. His car unlocking.  Then him getting into his car and shutting the drivers door.

"You're serious?" You hurry your pace to your apartment.

"Mhmm. Chincha" you can imagine his pouting.

"I.. just.. I'm heading to my apartment right now. What time is it?" You ask him.

"It's... 6.45pm"

"Erhh come down at 8pm. Do you want anything to eat, I'm going to make myself dinner because I'm hungry and if you-" you get cut off.

"No No don't eat yet. Let me come over. I'll prepare something for you myself." JB hurriedly tells you as you hear him start his engine.

"JB but, I'm soo hungry." You whine

"Have a light snack then."

"Okay" you sigh.

"I'll see you later."

"Okay but drive carefuly!" You tell him, knowing sometimes he can drive too fast.

"Bye~" he chimes.

*phone conversation ends*

A little while later.

*ding dong* *ding dong*

You had changed into your cute pajamas.

"I'm coming!" You rush to the door but take a quick glance at the clock on the way

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"I'm coming!" You rush to the door but take a quick glance at the clock on the way.

Its 7.15pm

When you open the door your cheeks flush pink.

"Oh.. wow... ermm wow"

The first wow is because of the flowers JB has in his arms the second wow is how he is dressed.

The first wow is because of the flowers JB has in his arms the second wow is how he is dressed

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"They are for you." He passes the roses to you.

"Oh.. why are you doing all of this so suddenly? It's making me nervous" you tell giggling as you take a step back to let him enter into your apartment.

"Just... you work so hard at work everyday. It must be tiring hmm?" He closes the door behind him and reaches out to you, resting his hands on your shoulders as he begins to massage your shoulders.

"Hmm" you hum as you're busy sniffing the flowers and smiling.

He turns you around and gently pushes you forward to walk on as he continues to kneed his warm hands across your shoulders and down your arms, before pulling you into a side hug.

You both chuckle.

"If I knew we were having a fancier dinner, I would have dressed better." You tell JB.

He looks at your pajamas.

"I like this better on you when you're comfortable and relaxed. Its the best look for you" he leans into you and kisses you for the first time today.

You pull away first. "Ofcourse crazy cat boy" you refer to the cat on your tshirt plus JB loves cats he owns 5. You turn and strut away teasing him.

You hear him groan and sigh knowing that he's checking you out from behind.

You giggle "I need to find a vase for these flowers."

"I'll get started on dinner." He tells as you hear him take off his leather jacket.

"You need help with anything?" You ask as you fill up a vase with water.

"It's okay. I got it babe. You just sit and rest your feet up."

"Okay. Don't say I didn't offer to help" you tease.

"I won't I won't." JB chuckles as he's rolling up his long sleeved tshirt, revealing his toned arms.

You smile watching him as you carry the vase to the dining table, then walk over and pull yourself up onto the counter.

You kick your legs back and forth gently, resting your hands under your thighs as you watch him walk around your kitchen like it's his own.

You and JB have only known each other for 3 months. And he's only visited your apartment 4 times because you both usually like to meet somewhere out.

Things started off a bit rocky at the beginning because of his last ex girlfriend, but that's a story to be told another day.
(If you want me to write this bit, comment and let me know. It can be the next post) 

"My Mum would have loved you..." you tell JB for the first time.

"Your the kind of guy she would have liked me to have dated. I guess I got one thing right" you give a half laugh, your head tilts to one side as you look at him.

A smirk and blush appears on JBs face as he mixes the spaghetti with the meatball and sauce with a wooden spoon.

"Oh really?" He puts the wooden spoon down, turns down the heat, wipes his hands on the tea towel that's placed over his shoulder, as he walks over to you slowly. "And what kind of guy is that?" His eyebrows raise.

You notice his eyes sparkling, and he doesn't take his eyes off of yours.

You break the stare first, your heart drumming fast. His arms snake around your waste and you begin to slowly calm down again.

"Erhh how do I put this in one word...."

Your arms wrap around his neck.

"hmm... husband material?" You feel your cheeks blush deeply. Your eyes meet his again.

You know it's way too early in the relationship to bring up anything marriage related.

JB kisses your nose.

"Thinking of marriage already?" He teases you.

Damn how does he always know what I'm thinking!

Your nose scrunches and you push him away.

"Eww. No. Who wants to marry you!" You tease and jump off the counter. "I prefer bad boys" you lie. As you try and walk away, JB grabs you and tickles your sides.

"Wow what lies! Don't you lie about liking bad boys (your name) otherwise you wouldn't be here with me"

You shriek and giggle and try and get out of his hold.

Chivalry Is Not Dead // Jaebeom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now