The Badboy

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You're an introvert. You like your books, you could sit hours in a library, have your head buried in a fantasy world. You disliked confrontation or small talk with people so you never got to really make a strong bonded friendship with your college classmates.

One day you were walking to class and you had to walk passed a group of loud arrogant boys.


You disliked arrogant guys the most.

You walked passed holding onto your backpack straps with your head held high, but suddenly "Ahhhhh" something came in the way and you tripped.

"Gotchya. You okay?" The leader of the group smirks down at you, his hands holding onto your waste.

Badboy had stuck his foot out and triped you and now he's asking if you're okay!??

You glare up at him. "What do you mean? You're the one that tripped me and you're asking me if I'm okay?"
You quickly get back up to your feet, pushing his filthy hands off of yourself.

The boy tilts his head to one side, looking you up and down with his hands in his pockets now. "Ooh fisty. Do you know what I like the most?" He straightens his head and raises an eyebrow to question you.

"No I don't. And I don't want to know!" You turn to walk away, but he stops you and grabs your upper arm and twirls you around to face him.

"A girl that's fisty." He's so close to you, your heart trembles. You're scared as you hear his friends chuckle beside him.

"Y-You are weird" you pull your arm out of his grip and quickly begin to walk away again.

He steps infront of you and stop you.

You let out a huff.

"Just weird?" He says arrogantly with a smirk to his lips. "Aren't you... intimidated by me?" He bends at the waist, putting his face level to yours.

You take a step back from him.

"Should I be?" You roll your eyes and then cross your arms over your chest to act confident and glare at him, even though inside you just want to run and hide away.

"Well... I'm going to enjoy tripping you again and again. And then you'll get to know who I really am." He reaches his hand out and pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. His hand then travels to your chin which he holds and he smirks and leans slowly in about to kiss you.

You are furious and about to shove him at his chest, when the bad boy is suddenly dragged away from you.

"Bro why you always got to tease the girls. Come on. We have class"

You see its his friend JB. He wasn't as bad as the bad boy. Though he hung out with the wrong crowd, you never saw him bully anyone, but he was mostly known for his handsome looks, his sexy smirk and he just got along with all the ladies.

"Your such a cockblock Bro" the bad boy shoved JB away.

He looked to his friends "come on boys" he then looked to you. "I'll be seeing you around soon" he winked.

JB chuckled and shoved the bad boy. "Go!"

Badboy walkes off with his frienda laughing "Haven't had fun like this in a long time." He tells them.

JB then turned to look at you. "You... okay?"

You just realised now you were hyperventilating.

You grab your chest and cough, hot tears coming to your eyes.

You felt hands on your shoulder. "Follow me."

"N-No.. I'll be... fine." You tried to talk but it was difficult.

"Sure you are. You need to get some fresh air." JB pulled you along  

You soon end up on the rooftop of the school. Your on your knees coughing.

"Does this happen often?" JB asks kneeling beside you.

You nod yes.

"Do you want me to do anything to help you? Do you take an inhaler?" He asks worriedly, looking around wondering how to help you.

You remember you have a paper bag which you carry around with you for moments like this. While still wheezing and crying, you take off your backpack and take the bag out and begin to breath heavily in it.

Your Oxygen level rises again with the paper bags help.

You stop crying and close your eyes taking deep breaths. You suddenly feel cold but then something drapes over your shoulders.

You look up and JB has taken off his coat and is placing it on you.

"I'm sorry. My friends such a jerk. I'll make sure he doesn't bother you again"

After a moment you are able to talk.

"W-Why do you hang around him... when he is like that?"

You notice JB's eyebrow furrow a bit as he thinks "I guess... He was the first friend I made in Primary School and ever since... I just stuck around." he shrugs his wide shoulders.

"I hate arrogant jerks the most!" You grumble.

JB chuckles a little which makes you blush.

"What about me? Do you hate those who hang around arrogant jerks?"

"Hmmm..." you pretend to think over it. "I guess.. not. You're... different. Bareable"

He laughs again and this time you end up laughing with him.

It felt weird. You've not felt this calm and happy around others, other than Simon, your blue Russian cat.

JB then stands up and brushes dirt off his black jeans then puts his hand out.

"Come'n we're already late for class and I don't think you're someone who usually skips it"

You take his hand and stand up. You try to pull your hand away but JB doesn't let it go.

"I might need a new friend. Want to be my friend?"

You couldn't help but smile widely because it felt a little childish hearing the words want to be my friend?

"Sure. I mean you'll have to keep to your promise that your friend doesn't bother me again." You pull your hand out of his and give his coat back to him. "Thanks for the coat." And you turn and walk away.

"Hey! Is that all I'm for? To be some kind of body guard of yours?" He followed after you.

"Well.. If you want a real friendship... The thing is I don't trust people too quickly."

"So I'll have to earn your trust.. how do I do that?"

"I don't know. You'll have to figure that out by yourself."

You hear JB sigh behind you as you walk down the stairs to the first floor.
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