Cat House

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Saturday morning, you woke up to feeling Nora sleeping under your armpit, curled in on herself.

You smile and stroke the cat and she wakes up and purs then crawls onto you, her head laying on your shoulder, the rest of her body resting over your chest.

Suddenly you feel something warm and wet against your neck and it tickles. Nora had been licking your neck.

"H-Hey stop.. that tickles" you giggle and pull her away from your neck. Your hand goes to the wet spot to wipe away the saliva, when you feel something else there. A scar. And the memories come flooding in.

Back at your parents home you were asleep, the door kept opened as usual. However you were awaken by the door clicking shut and a black silouette figure standing in your room as you hear the lock turn.

"W-who is it? Dad is that you?" You questioned as you quickly sat up in bed.

"Yes it's me sweetheart. Keep it quiet and I'll make it quick!" He grumbled.

You were confused. "What do you mean?"

He came over to you slowly, his evil eyes coming into view in the early morning light. The little smirk in the corner of his lips made you shudder.

You pulled the blankets closer around your body as if that would protect you from anything.

That morning you had cried and screamed telling him to stop saying it hurts but he wouldn't. You called out to your mother even while the monster tried to prevent you from making any noise, by covering your mouth, but you knew she could hear you. She was just in the other room, she was choosing to ignore it.

He bit down onto your neck hard to try and get you to shut up and it hurt as you felt warm liquid trickling down your neck. The next hour you just lay limp letting him do what he wanted to you because you had given up the fight you were too tired.

He eventually left your room, leaving you numb, your private parts in pain, cold and naked. You cried some more then went to sleep wanting to forget what had happened.

When you had woken up again you saw you were clothed again and there was a bandage put to your neck where he had wounded you. You could smell the strong floral smell of your mother's perfume in the room. She must have come in and clothed you. It made you cry again thinking why she didn't try and stop the monster while she was in the same house. Why did  she not call the police.

You cry quietly, burring your face into Nora's fur.

You only stop when there is a knock on your door.

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