No Control

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"Pahahaha! Do you hear this? She wants to join us men in war!?" The King laughed out loudly, as his armer was being placed over his chest by a servant and another was placing a helmet on his head.

"I don't see a reason to why I can't your majesty. I've been training for months, I'm most likely a better fighter than half of your men!" You stand proudly.

Everyone in the hall mockingly laugh at you, all but one, Prince Jaebeom.

He was sat in the far corner of the room on a wooden chair, fixing his boots but his gaze was fixed on yours.

You blush deeply.

"Women don't go to war. We need you to stay here and take care of the children and elderly."

"Your majesty, there are some women who would prefer to stay like your maids so be it they can, but I want to help! I want to fight for what is right!"

The King strode over to you towering over your smaller frame. Your heart began to beat fast.

"(Y/N).." his cold hand reached out to your cheek, his fingers brushing over your blush "your father's last words were to keep you safe." He whispered to you.

You turn your head away from him, feeling fustrated. Hot tears glazing your eyes but you faught hard not to let them slip out as you remembered the brutal death of your father from the enemy.

Stupid rules! I hate living in fear all the time!

"Let's say we did allow you to come with us Miss (y/n) and other women feel they want to join with you. Then... one by one you all get killed out there on the battle field. We need fine young women like you for reproducing. What will we do if they all get wiped out? We will cease to exist!" His voice echoed across the walls.

More mocking laughter by the men.

*trumpet blows*

"It's time..." you hear Jaebeom and look over to him as he's rising up to his feet. He swings his sword around infront of him as it makes a chopping sound in the air, like he's testing the strength of his blade one last time.

His muscles rippled under his shirt,  just how you noticed while he taught you how to fight the passed month.

Jaebeom was different to his father. He believed it was great women like yourself wanted to learn how to fight and be strong and stand their own ground.

"When I'm King things will be different around here.." he had told you once, during practice fight in the woods at the back of the castle grounds, his sword coming up in an X with yours.

You blink your eyes, forgetting about the tears and they spill. You quickly wipe it away, coming back to the presence.

Jaebeom takes a deep breath in and then out. He looks nervous. He slips his sword effortlessly into the satchel hanging from around his waste. A man rushes over to put his armour on him now too.

The King snaps his finger in front of your face.

You flinch.

"If you even think of stepping foot out of this castle, consider yourself banished forever!" He whisper growled a threat at you.

The King rushes off followed by his men.

You wait till the King has disappeared and then you yank off a piece of ribbon on the end of your braid, ruffle your hands in your hair to loosen the curls and then throw your head upside down and gather your hair together into a high pony tale and secure it tightly in place with the ribbon.

Chivalry Is Not Dead // Jaebeom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now