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Who Hurt You?

Your eye and lip was throbbing in pain, the corner of your lip was busted open as you coughed and wheezed, clutching your hip with your right hand, as you pushed yourself off from the floor.

You stood up and leaned against a wall, catching your breath back while enjouring the pain.

You had just been mobbed in the early hours of morning, on your way to college, by two guys. You had put up a fight, but it was impossible to take on two muscular guys twice your size.

I can't go home looking like this. My parents will freak out.

You thought as you touched your hair realising some hair strands were pulled out of your pony tail as the bobble hung to one side, instead of the centre of your head.

You decided to go ahead and go to college.

10 minutes of painful walking you made it to the college grounds and headed to the girls bathroom. You saw yourself in the mirror for the first time after the incident and sighed deeply.

Taking some paper towels to the side of the sinks, you wet it and pressed it on your busted lip.

"Argh.. why from all days today when I have my last exam of the year?" You sigh again.

You throw the paper towel with your blood on it into the bin and begin to pull off your bobble. You ran your fingers through your hair and leave it open to frame your face. You noticed a bruise forming in the right corner of your eye, where one of the guys had punched you and it's what made you black out for a couple of seconds, as they took that chance to run away with your backpack.

"Damn it! I don't have any makeup on me to cover this up" you touched the bruise causing you to wince.

Taking some of the front strands you bring it a little over your eye and cheek to frame the bruise.

You take one last look at yourself in the mirror, about to head out when the doors open and you hear chattering from other girls.

With instinct, you quickly turn your back to them and hide away in a cubicle.

"Do you think this red lippy will get JB's attention? Or should I go for a nude?" You heard slutty Sarah say to her friends. She was in the same English class as you and JB.

JB was your close friend which you had grown a deep feeling for over time, but you knew he would never. You just weren't his type. He never saw you as a women. To him you were just another friend he spoke about literature to.

"Of course the red, honey! How can he resist your lips after seeing that gorgeous colour on it?" One of her friends giggled.

"You think so? Okay! I have a good feeling it'll happen today. Did you guys see how he couldnt take his eyes off of me yesterday during my English assignment presentation? And when I finally get him to kiss me, everyone will know he is mine!.. because this stains!" twirling the lippy in her hand, Slutty Sarah chuckled.

"B-But... wasn't (your name) paired with you? I thought he was looking at her?"

"Yuk! Who wants to second glance her? It was definitely me. Don't get it twisted" Sarah waved her hand about.

Chivalry Is Not Dead // Jaebeom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now