Prologue: -How it all began-

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Strigoi: Troubled spirits of the dead rising from their graves.
Strigois can be living people with magical properties. These magical properties include: the ability to transform into an animal, the ability to practice witchcraft, invisibility, and the propensity to drain the vitality of victims via blood, and running very fast.

Types of Strigoi:
The strigoaică
A strigoaică is a witch.

The Strigoi Viu:
Living Strigoi.
Steals the wealth of farmers (milk, bread, etc)
It could also stop the rain and give death to men

The Strigoi Mort:
Dead Strigoi
The nature of the dead strigoi is ambiguous, both  human and demonic. It emerges from it's grave, returns to it's family and behaves as in their lifetimes, while weakening their relatives until they die in return..or kill them by itself.

1125 A.D

"I'm sick of it. I'm tired of being a strigoi viu. I feel so helplessly  remorse" i said as i entered the room my mother was sitting in.

She was sitting on the floor with all her magic tools around her, trying out a new spell.

"We have discussed this, Aquamarine" she said to me as she kept her gaze fixed on the wooden bowl that's filled with goat blood in front of her.

"Why can't i be just like you? A pure strigoaică" i asked as i sat down. A frown engulfing my face.

"You are a half a strigoaică, my dear.
And the other half is a Strigoi viu. It's your natural instinct, you have to embrace it" She said as she looked up at me, smiling warmly.

"I don't want to embrace it, mother.
It hurts me internally. Seeing these farmers in agony and sadness because all of their crops are gone. We should not be doing this" i said as i hugged my knees.

I felt terrible for what i did..

My father took me and my little brother to collect the crops from a nearby farm.

We went to a farm that we haven't stolen any crops from before.

We sped across the farm and collected all of the wheat, and vegetable crops. Leaving The farm demolished.

It felt enthusiastic for my natural instinct as a Strigoi viu.

It filled my insides with happiness and satisfaction.

The only obstacle was the aftermath.

Seeing the farmers open their doors to the horrendous sights we have caused is heart breaking.

"Auqa, my dear child. We can not change who we are. And we can not change our needs to live. But we can accept them, and love them as they are." My mother said making me snap back into reality.

"We are not angels, we are humans. And humans have feelings.
You saw the way they have grieved over their destroyed farms. But you will also see the way they get happy when something good happens to them.
Everyone has to experience grief and happiness.
Do not blame yourself for your natural instinct. Try to love it instead, because it is worth loving" She continued as she placed her warm hand on my cheek.

Her words made me smile. I felt loved and protected.

I got up and wrapped my arms around her, embracing her in a hug.

"I love you, mother" i said.

"I love you too, my child" she replied as she batted my shoulder.

"You know mother, sometimes i miss my brother" I said as she placed her hand in the bowl in front of her.

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