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It's been a couple of weeks since i came back to my apartment in New York.

I haven't heard from any of the Mikaelsons except from Rebecca who was kind enough to check on me every couple of days over phone calls.

I never asked her about Elijah, and she never mentioned him anyways. I think he's better off without me being around him anyways.

I sipped on my wine as i tried to brush the thoughts of Elijah off of my mind,

I decided to get up and see if i can get any sign of my father.

I set my tools on the coffee table that was facing me, but suddenly i felt the presence of a strong creature near me.

I grew nervous because it has been a very long time since i've felt such presence around me.

I tip toed towards where it felt most powerful, until i reached my front door..

I heard a knock on the door that made me jump.

I felt my head pulsing cause of how nervous i was.

"Contain yourself, you are the most powerful creature on earth. You will be okay" i said to myself quietly as i took a deep breath in.

I opened the door to find...my father.

And that was the moment i realized i was screwed.

"Hello, Aquamarine. Have you forgotten about your daddy?" He said with a smile

Before i could react or do anything, everything just went black.


I woke up in a small dark room, i frowned once i noticed the killing pain that was in my head.

"Aah" i said quietly as i looked around the room.

A few lights only illuminated the room, it was a strange place.

I tried to move but i figured i was tied to the chair i'm sitting on.

"Brastam dradmor" i recited a spell to untie the rope but it didn't do anything, and that's when i realized i have been spelled to not be able to use my magic.

A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts..

"Aquamarine, my child. It's so good to see you're still alive" My father said as he walked from behind me.

"Father, i wish i could say the same" i said as i looked at his face once he walked to face me.

"My child, have you forgotten our manners? You have to respect your elders" he said with a fake surprised look on his face.

He held his hand up making my brain feel as if it's melting.

I screamed at how painful it was then he stopped.

"That should be a good lesson to you" he said with a smile.

His smile was evil, he looked so different. He wasn't my father anymore..

"How did you do that, you can not use magic. How did you do this to me?" I asked as i breathed heavily.

"I'm a Strigoi, of course i could do anything" he said with a proud smile.

"You're a strigoi mort, not a strigoaică. You can not use magic unless you're channeling witches" i screamed at him.

"Okay okay, you got me. I'm using some help from some old friends you know nothing about" he explained, rolling his eyes.

"Shit" i muttered under my breath.

"Now let's get to the important stuff" he paused as he walked closer to me.

He kneeled down in front of me, "Are you interested in knowing what will be done to you, my child?" He asked.

My heart started racing, as i was unaware of what will happen to me.

A few guys in black clothes came from behind me and stood behind him.

"You see these lovely people? They're my toys. They will do anything i want them to, just to gain my satisfaction" he paused.

"Another group like them are now heading towards New Orleans. To your beloved one..Elijah" He continued with a smirk

My heart dropped and i started to feel tears creeping to my eyes.

"No, no, no, no, not Elijah. Please no. Father, do anything to me. Kill me. Don't hurt them. They didn't do anything, please" i begged as i started moving around in my chair trying to get out of the rope.

"THEY LEFT ME, AND SAVED YOU. THEY DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED" He shouted at me as he stood on his feet.


"Tratmo destras, tratmo destras, tratmo destras" i recited making all of them wince in pain, and fall to their knees.

I thought i got them, but they only got up and walked towards of me.

"Enjoy" he said one last time before  walking out of the room as they walked over to me, each reciting his own spell.

It felt as if Lava has been poured into my body.

All of my body started to hurt like ot never did before.

I screamed out of pain and agony, i screamed so hard i felt like my voice chords are going to jump out of my throat.

But i knew they weren't near done...i have to fight through, i can't let him kill me.

After god knows how long, i heard foot steps walking in, making all their heads turn.

I was on the ground, bleeding out of my nose and ears, my body filled with bruises and i could barely breathe.

They all walked towards the person that just came in, i heard bones snapping and saw bodies being scattered against the walls.

I couldn't see who it was, i could barely open my eyes, but i just hoped that; that person would be the end of my suffering.

"Love, stay with me" a familiar voice said as i tried to open my eyes.

It was Rebecca, i looked at the back to find Elijah still fighting with them.

I pointed at him for her to help him, i was scared he'd get hurt.

"Worry about yourself love. You look wrecked" she said.

"Father" i said weakly as i saw my father coming from behind Rebecca.

He formed fists with his hands making Rebecca gasp for air.

I saw Elijah rushing and staking him in the heart, making him fall to the ground.

Elijah was immediately in front of me after he finished my father, but i knew it wasn't the end for him.

The light illuminated his black coat and suit underneath it.

"Aquamarine" He said but i couldn't keep myself up anymore and everything went black..

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