-My Love-

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Elijah's P.O.V

I snapped out of my sleep and the first thing i saw was Aquamarine's eyes staring at me.

It wasn't long before i realized what was happening, but it was too late to save her..

"You fucking Asshole" She shouted at her father as he let out a laugh before they both pull each other's heart out.

My heart shattered at the scene of her being brutally killed like that in front of my eyes.

I felt a pain creep into my chest making me sob in disbelief.

"No" i shouted as i fell to my knees.

Even though my legs couldn't hold me up due to the shock i still managed to crawl my way to her,

I held her lifeless body in my arms but she turned into ashes,

"No" i shouted again as tears started rolling down my face,

The pain..i couldn't bear it, throughout my whole life i have never felt such pain.

I felt Rebecca's hand on my back as her and Freya woke up.

She hugged me tightly but the pain wouldn't ease as i kept on crying.

I couldn't believe i just watched my love being killed, my worst nightmares came true..and for her to only save me.

"It's my fault" i said as i kept on crying.

"It's not your fault Elijah" Freya replied.

I pulled away from Rebecca and stood up, "if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have done it" i said pointing at my love's Ashes.

"What do you mean?" Freya asked as she narrowed her eyebrows at me.

"He occupied my body, he made me see and hear everything but i had no control. I saw her beg for my life, and in return he would take hers" I explained with a cracking voice.

"Why is he dead as well then?" Rebecca asked

"She knew he only wanted her life and made a deal with him to end their kind.." i paused.

"So they both killed each other" Freya continued.

In that moment it felt as if my chest is getting hollowed by the pain.

"Brother" Klaus said as he entered the room making our heads turn to him,

His eyes widened at the sight of their ashes, the room fell silent as we all watched his expression.

He looked up at me with teary eyes, "You knew, didn't you?" Rebecca asked before i could speak.

"I had no other choice" he said faintly.

I felt my blood boil as my brother..my own blood..did nothing to save the woman he knew  i loved more than myself.

"How could you?" i said in anger as i made my way towards him.

"Brother, please" he replied right before i lift him up and threw him across the hall.

"You left her alone, Niklaus. YOU LEFT HER TO FACE HER FATHER BY HERSELF WHEN I'VE MADE AT OATH TO HER TO PROTECT HER FROM HIM" I shouted as i made my way to him.

"I had no other choice, Elijah, she told me to leave her" he said and i punched him in the jaw.

"And you just gave in to her request Niklaus?? the hybrid that cannot be beaten gave in to a strigoi's request!!" i shouted again at his face.

"SHE CAN BE RETURNED ELIJAH," he shouted in my face.

i stepped back, narrowing my eyebrows not understanding a thing.

"She put some kind of spell in Freya's head, she can be brought back to life" He explained.

"Yeah," Freya said as she looked down, as if she remembered something.

she quickly placed her hand in her pocket and took a folded paper out.

she unfolded it quickly revealing a big paper filled with spells and magic signs.

"He's right..she can be brought back to life" she spoke after a minute of looking at it.

"She has got to be birthed again, with a new body. we have to keep her ashes. but i don't know if rebirthing her is possible." she said as she looked at me.

after a light of hope struck my heart, it was quickly to dim again.



I sat at my desk, head in my hands, trying to gather my thoughts on how to rebirth my love, what to do to bring my Aqua back.

"I love you" i heard a whisper of her voice in my head.

I looked up..and there she was standing in her usual black clothes, looking at me with a smile.

"Aquamarine" i said as i quickly got up to hug her but she went through me like thin air.

"Apparitions cannot be touched, Elijah" She said chuckling.

"Are you doing well, my love?" she asked gently as she placed her hand on my face.

I could barely feel her touch but at least i felt it, but it was cold and unfamiliar.

I looked deeply in her still sparkling eyes, as mine filled with tears.

"You've got to be strong, Elijah. this is not you, nor will it ever be. think about your family, they need you" she said trying to persuade me to feel better

"I can't lose you forever," i replied.

"You won't" she said as i placed my hand on her "back"

"i'm right here," she said pointing at my head.

"and here as well," she continued pointing at my heart.

"Tell me how to bring you back to life" i said holding back my tears.

"You know how, my love. as for now i have got to go." she said calmly

"tell me," i said in a serious tone.

she moved herself closer to me, almost hugging me, "Jose" she whispered in my ear before she transformed into thin air.

"I love you" i heard her voice again in my head.

Jose..the scientist..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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