-Back in buisness-

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Really sorry for the delay, i just had a very busy week and needed to catch up on some school work.

It's been a few weeks since i heard anything from the Mikaelsons.

I was having my dinner in the narrow streets of New York when i heard a quick heart beat behind me.

I turned back immediately, dropping the dead body of the poor guy i had in my arms on the hard concrete.

"Pardon me for the interruption" He said in a gentle tone.

He leaned on the wall as the moonlight illuminated his face.

I wasn't surprised he's here. But even though i'm delighted to see him, i'm also terrified of his presence cause he might get harmed at any time.

"You shouldn't be here" i said as i wiped the corner of my mouth with my sleeve.

"Unfortunately for your desires, i am" he said with a smirk.

"Leave" i said as i walked past him.

"I don't think these are the manners of a lady" he said after he grabbed my wrist as he looked at the dead body that was laying on the ground.

"Rule number two: never leave a dead body laying in the possible sight of the public" he continued.

I rolled my eyes at his words.

I pulled out a small silver lighter from my back pocket, i opened the lid and lightened it up and threw it on the dead body.

I walked away and placed my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket as he walked after me.

"How do you know i'm here?" I asked as he walked beside me.

"A little witch bird told me" he replied, quoting my words from when i first left.

I couldn't help but smile, i was glad he was okay and didn't get himself killed in the past few weeks.

"You're putting yourself at a huge risk by just walking next to me. You know that, don't you?" i asked as i pushed my feelings to the side.

"My dear Aqua, i assure you, your father is my least concern" he replied as he walked with his hands in his pockets as a smile took over his lips.

"Why? Is it because you know i'll probably save you no matter what?" I asked mockingly not expecting anything from him.

He looked at me as his smile faded.

His face had that look like he came to a realization.

"Yeah" he responded making me raise my eyebrows at his unexpected response.

True, i have been protecting him for the last while but..he's an original after all.

He shouldn't be admitting that to a creature like me.

"That's..me" i said as i pointed at the building we were walking towards.

"Allow me to stay in the city for a few days just to make sure your safety is served well" he said as we stopped at the entrance.

"Elijah, no. You need to leave New York and go back to New Orleans. Your family needs you" I ordered him as i tried to contain myself.

"My family will be fine, you on the other hand will not. So allow me to protect you" he asked again.

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