Chapter 6

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Umji P.O.V

It was still young when my mom left me, it seems like nobody care for her death. Many people went to her funeral, but none of them really care for her they were just business people wanting to look good in front of my father. My mother death was hard for me and for her family as well, at first I thought it would be hard on my father, but only a few months pass after my mother death that he introduce me to my new 'mother'. I was still young my heart hurt but that didn't matter to him soon he got married again. I didn't attend his wedding that's when people began to tell me I was selfish little spoil brat. I felt hurt, but how could I just accept the fact my father move on so quickly? Into this day I visit my mother every single day since it seems like I'm the only one who remembers her.

"Mommy... I missed you..." My heads hurt so much and my stomach feels like there are needles inside.

"Yewon-ah?" I hear someone call my name, but I couldn't see anything.

"Are you awake?" I open my eyes, to be honest, I expect nobody to be with me, but here I am to my surprise Yoongi is standing right in front of me.

"What happened to me? Why do I feel like crap?" I stood up slowly knowing that my body was weak. I looked around, I was in my room but why do I feel so sick?

"You got sick from the rain, Ji Su told me that she found you in your mother grave outside cold and wet just looking up in the sky into you pass out." That's when I remember, after the accident with Yoongi I when to visit my mom to make me feel better, but in reality, I just let all my tears out.

"Oh, okay, but why are you here?" It quite shocking he's here I mean we don't like each other at all.

"Ji Su told me to come and if I didn't she would chop off my balls." So you were forced to come? I guess in the end nobody really cares for me.

"You can leave, I feel better now." To be honest I was lying but why keep someone here if they don't want to.

"You still look sick, let me just take care of you a little longer." He tries to put a wet towel on my forehead, but I pushed his hand away.

"Please leave I told you already I don't like people feeling pity for me." I was rude that's for sure, but I don't like people seeing me all broken down.

"You're a brat, you do know that right?" He told me.

"I'm also a bitch, a whore, a snake, a motherfucker and all the bad names you can think off so nothing new. Now leave I appreciate you helping me, but you can leave now." I pointed at the door telling him to go away. He grabs his stuff, took one last glance at me and then began to walk. When he reached the door he turns to look at me.

"You don't have to hide your pain from me, you don't have to fake a smile or pretend you're strong in front of me. I know you're sad and broken so please don't push me away I'm willing to listen to you." I just lay down and turn my back on him.

When you listing to my story will you stay? Or run away like the others?

Suga P.O.V

The tears I saw her shed brought beauty to her, even if she was asleep you could tell she was in pain after she was calling out her mother's name.

"I won't let you suffer no more." I walk out of her house heading to my car. Yewon has been misunderstood by a lot of people but I won't let that go on for much longer after I'll be her future husband soon and I can't see my wife suffered.

A whole week has passed and nobody has heard from Yewon, it seems like she just disappears since that night. Even her manager doesn't know where she is, all we know its Yewon mother death university, but she hasn't even shown up to her grave. There are only a few days into our wedding yet the bride doesn't want to be found.

I look at my phone I have called her more than 30 times during this week, yet she hasn't called me back.

"Where in the world are you?" I question myself wondering where could she be, last time she wasn't feeling too good so its normal for me to worry, right?

"Are you going to answer that sir?" A total complete stranger snaps me out of my thoughts. I look at my phone and the id number was unknown.

"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Yoongi, it's me Yewon." I was surprised I mean why not call me with her phone.

"Yewon-ah? Where have you been?" I began to question her.

"Yoongi I want you to listen to me, can you do that?" I thought for a moment.

"Yeah, I'm all ears," I told her.

"I want you to go to my house and grab the latter that's under my pillow and give it to my father. After you do that I want you to act sad, and tell the world your fiance is death-" I stop listing after that, she wants me to tell people she die?

"Yah!! Yewon-ah, where are you? You better not be thinking of killing yourself." I began to scream at her over the phone.

"It's my decision there's no point of living in this world any longer. You don't have to worry about marrying an evil witch." She told me quietly.

"What if I want to marry you?" That just came out of nowhere.

"Don't play games with me, goodbye Yoongi." That's all she said before she hangs up.

Shit!! Kim Yewon where are you?


Why does life have to be so unfair to me? I'm nice to other but all they do is turn their backs on me. It's hard to keep a smile on when people can be so mean, but dong worry I don't break so easily.

Updates every Mondays central time zone

Have a nice day/afternoon/night

P.S Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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