Chapter 11

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Umji P.O.V

I was labeled, as soon as my fame rocket all the way up, many people began to labeled me, not in a good way, but the bad one. I was either call ugly, fat, untalented, even sometimes a pig. There were times where I will actually care of what people thought of me, but that's was when I was weak. Now as I have grown and pushed myself away from people I have learn to only care about myself and nobody else of course there are times where I step to defend others, but that’s like one in a million times. I was not supposed to help you, but at the end I ended up with a scratch in my forehead and I’m making food as well. I swear Min Yoongi, you are breaking my barriers little by little.

“How is it going in there?” Yoongi was helping cook since this was he’s way of saying thank you for helping out there.

“Just a few more minutes and the soup will be ready.” To be honest I don’t even know the reason why he wanted me to make soup, but here I am making him some soup. If people where to see us cook together they will actually think that we are married.

“You know, Yewon-ah, we have to come up with nicknames for each other after all we just got married and Korea knows all about it. If we want to keep this whole being together act we have to at least come up with some ideas.” He was right, us getting married is a big headlines for many Korean magazines and articles it won’t be quiet down for a while now.

“Your right, but let’s worry about that for now. I just want to enjoy some time away from being famous.’’ I told him honestly, I was sick of being in the spotlight all the time and when I was I’m always refer as the bad guy. During my two years of leaving my group people will refer me as the ex-member of Gfriend, never have they ever just know me as Kim Yewon. That’s why after I get my parents company I will leave the famous life away and just become the next Ceo of the company.

“We really can’ run away from our fame, I mean look at what happen a few hours ago.” I lend in in the table counter.

"That was you, not me. You are one of the members of the biggest boy group out there. People know who you are, while they don't know who I am." I told his as I took a sip of my drink.

"Well your married to me so be prepared to be recognized." I rolled my eyes at him.

"How cocky of you. Anyways let's just celebrate our days of- Ouch!!" I quickly jump back. I totally forgot I was close to the stove.

"Son of bitch!!" My left arm just got burn and the pain is still there.

"Be more careful." Yoongi rushes to my side.

"I'll be fine, just some cold ice." I try to move my arm without whining, but mission fail.

"Just go rest, I'll take care of everything else." I shook my head no.

"Just go get me some ice." I turn around and check on the food.

"You asked for it." I didn't know what he meant by that into a few seconds later. Both of his arms where in either side of my body blocking my way out. I felt his body push against mine and his hair tickiling my face.

"If you don't listen I will keep doing this. I don't really mind after all you smell like chocolate." He lays his head on my shoulder. I will usually pushed people away when they did that, but somehow I felt warm when he did it.

"I-i'll go rest, so please get away from me." I wasn't supposed to stutter, but he makes me do things I don't want to do.

"Good girl." He kisses the back of me head and then let's me go. His actions took my by surprise, but I really didn't mind.

"Don't do that again." I warn him as I turn around, but he only chuckles.

"Your red cheeks say other wise." I touch my cheeks, even if I can't see myself they are burning hot.

"I hate you, Min Yoongi!!" I said as I storm out of the room.

"Sure you do." He said as he laughs.

Why do you make me feel this way?

Suga P.O.V

After a few minutes I when to check on Yewon to tell her the food was ready, but what I found was just so cute. I took out my phone and took a picture of her sleeping.

Why can't you be this cute when your awake?

I was going to wake her up, but the sound of my phone did that job. Someone was calling me and that someone was not a person who calls me all the time.

"What do you want Jungkook-ah?" I told him as I saw Yewon open her eyes.

"Hyung, I need advice." His respond took me by surprise.

"Who is it?" Yewon asked as she got up.

"Jungkook-ah." She made a oh shaped with her mouth and nodded.

"Advice? What kind of advice?" Jungkook stay silent for a moment.

"Girl advice." There's no way I can help him.

"Sorry, I have my ow-" I was cut off when Yewon took my phone and put on speaker.

"Tell me." Yewon said as she put my phone on her lap.

"Hyung, your voice change!! You sound like a girl now."

How stupid is this kid?

"Just tell me your problem." Yewon try to hold her laugh, but you could see it she was smiling.

"Well it's Eunha, she tells me something but she means something else. You know how we have a collaboration with Red Velvet? Well I told her about it and that it was just a collaboration. She said it was fine, but I know it hurts her to see me with other girls. I told her she has nothing to worry about and she should stop being jealous cause I don't like girls like that and then our fight began. She then told me if I don't like her jealous side we should just give each other a break. I don't want to lose her, what should I do?" That was a lot of information and I have no idea on how to answer that.

"Eunha is afraid to lose you, she's insecure, your a famous and handsome guy is easy for you to find anyone and she's afraid you will find someone else. It's not jealousy it's more about her insecurities. Don't give her a break because she will just end up hurt. Talk to her and also put some sense into her brain. She needs to understand it's just a job your doing and if she can't understand she's just being stubborn, but my advice is to talk to her and make her feel like she's the only for you. Also she need to understand that your an idol and will be surrendered by female idols. "Yewon spoke in a soft voice.

"It's that you Yewon-ah?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, if you want to follow my advice then do it, but if you don't beli-" She was cut off

"I believe you, thank you. Bye Hyung and Yewon-ah." Jungkook hang up on us. Yewon looks at me and passes my phone back.

"That was some great advice you gave him, it sounded like you didn't want either of them to get hurt." She looks the other way.

"Love is such a powerful thing that brings many great memories, but it's also the worst pain you can feel. I don't want them to feel that pain." She gets up.

"Is the food ready?" I gave her a nod and she smiles.

"Then you can eat alone, I'm in a diet." She waves goodbye and heads to her bedroom.

"I can't finished all of it!!" I told her, but she just continues to walk.

"Then save it for later!!" After that I hear I door slam shut.

What a beautiful marriage I have.


Story time, there's this cute ass guy in my class he's new and he's from France. Anyways he sits next to me and let me tell you he has this sexy accent that makes his hotter. So I talk to him and he was really fun to hang out, but them my friend comes. Something about my friend is that she dates every guy I have a crush on, but she won't get this one. He's way too cute for me to let go off.

Have a nice day/afternoon/night

P.S. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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