Chapter 32

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Trigger Warning: Will mention rape and self-harm so please if you are sensitive to these topics don't read this chapter.

Umji P.O.V

After what Yoongi told me I have been aware of my surroundings and he won't let me go out unless I had someone else with me. I do love how caring and thoughtful he's being but I hate how I am being treated like someone who needs protection 24/7.  Even if this time is really a big deal, I still don't get how someone will be able to take photos of me in my office or know where I live and better yet know all the spots I go to. So in my conclusion, this is not a normal stalker or even one, to begin with, this is someone hired to kill me. Someone wants me dead, someone who believes I am a threat to what, I have no clue, but it doesn't matter they want me dead.

And as much as I want to find out who this person is I have a strong gut feeling that I already know who it is. But to make sure I must act normal because sooner or later that person will exposed themselves and I will be there to take them down. I'm not going to lie I am scared, sure I had my fair share of being stalk and maybe close to being assassinated yet this one beings chills into my bones, this one is the one I least expected.

"Baby?" I looked down at Yoongi who was currently resting in my lap. Today was both of our days off which is rare since we both have busy schedules. So instead of going out on a date, we decided on takeout and just chilling in the living room while watching a movie.

"Ummm?" I hum.

"When will you tell the others?" It was a question that came out of nowhere.

"What are you talking about?" I was honestly confused to why he asked this. So far Yoongi only knows how my mother died and my self-harm other than that he doesn't know anything else.

"Baby, I know why you left Gfriend, the FBI agents have done a background check to see if you have any enemies and today they send me a file." I was shocked and didn't know how to respond so I did what I know how to do best I push everything away. I got up not even caring that I drop Yoongi on the floor and just decided to walk away.

I when to the kitchen and Yoongi follow me, I knew he wouldn't let is slide because what he found out was something only two people knew and now he knows with the agents as well.

"Please talk to me." I came to a stop and turn around.

"What is there to talk, they told you everything, there's nothing for me to tell." I grab a bottle of wine and pour myself some.

"Not everything, I just know why you had to left, but I want to do why you did it." I took a sip of my wine.

Right now I should be mad, scream at him for doing things without my permission, or even hiding this from me. But yet here I am sipping on my wine not even caring about anything.

"You want to know why I had an abortion or the part where I was threat to leave? Because let me tell you Yoongi, these are things I do not what anyone else to know. So do me the favor and stop asking." I drank what was left on the cup and slam the cup in the counter making it break.

I didn't care if some pieces made its way to my skin or the hot tears falling down my eyes, I didn't care about anything other than for all of this to stop. Because I saw the way Yoongi eyes we're looking at me, there was so much pity in them it made me sick.

"Who was the father?" I rolled my eyes and just made my way out of here.

"You need to stop running away from this! Hiding everything will just make it worse!" His voice got louder but he will never scream at me because he's not that type of person.

"Please I need to know," He grab my wrist turning my around so I was facing him.

"You want to know? Well let me tell you, I don't know WHO THE FUCKING FATHER IS! OR WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT! I just know I didn't want a stranger child growing inside of me so I had an abortion. But you know what I know? I KNOW I WAS RAPE BUT THE WORST PART WAS EVERYTHING WAS A SET UP FROM A PERSON I TRUSTED. FROM THE LAST PERSON I EXPECT TO HURT ME!! Y-yoongi m-my o-own father s-set me up, just b-because h-he w-wanted an heir." That was all I could say before I broke down in tears. A loud sob escapes my mouth as I just slowly let my body fall into the ground.

It hurt so much to talked about the past the one I want so badly to forget the one where I just wish never happen because after that accident and find out what my own father did was the day I just knew everything in my life was a lie.

I just keep crying and crying and honestly I have cried so many times I don't know how I have tears left in me but maybe is because I bottle my feelings for two years into Yoongi cane and saw what other missed.

" going to be fine...just let it all out, I'm here now." The way Yoongi embrace and soft calming voice it just made me think that this man is perfect and I don't know how I got so lucky to called him mine, but I thank the Lord he gave me Yoongi.

Suga P.O.V

It took a while for Yewon to calm down, but when she did she was already fast asleep in my arms. I slowly secure my arms around her before lifting her up and bringing her to our room. I lay her in bed, seeing the way her face was wet in her own tears and even her eyes close you could tell that her eyes were puffy. I stroke her face gently before placing several kisses around her beautiful face.

I walk out of the room and gently close the door yet leaving a little crack to check on her. I took my phone out and called someone who I knew will help me.

"Yoongi, what do I own this phone call?"

"I think I know who may be a main suspect in Yewon's case."


"Yewon's father." There was silence for a while.

"Her own father? But why?"

"He was the one who made sure her daughter got pregnant and let's not forget how he moved on so fast after the dead of Yewon's mother. I think he wants her dead since she now owns the company, but I feel like there's something more. So please do more research for me."

"Okay got it, I will see what I can find, talk you to later." I hang up and made my way back into the room.

I gently lay next to her putting my arms around her waist pulling so close to my body that not even air could past through.

"Don't worry my love, soon this will all be over." I small kissed on the back of her neck before snuggling in her neck.

You can't change the past but you can make a better future and that's what I plan to do because no one should suffer this much in life.


Yes I know I promised you guys to update lately and I don't break my promises but sometimes the universe hates me.

Last weekend my aunt came with her kids and let me tell you this is the last time I ever let them near my stuff because those little brats broke my MacBook. So I had to wait a while to buy a new one since I didn't want to accept the money my aunt was giving me to buy a new one since it wasn't her fault. Let's just say now I have those little brats making it up since I know they don't have the money.

Either way, I just got it today so here the update. Also, I promise you soon the sad parts will end and we will have happy parts.

Have a nice day/afternoon/night

P.S Sorry for any spelling mistakes

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