Chapter 26

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Umji P.O.V

One thing that I hate more than my dad is people using me without my consent. Today was already a stressful day from hiding for Yoongi in the morning to coming to the office to find my stepmother running my business.

"Leave us alone," I told my manager. I found the second person I hate other than my dad sitting in my seat.

"Not even a hello." I rolled my eyes.

"Get out of my chair, unless you want me to rip your hair off." I put my purse down hard on the desk and gave her a glare.

"Just because you took over the business doesn't mean you have won. Remember your bother can take the spot." I laugh at her.

"My brother gave his position away and when on with his life, I think you should learn something from him. Also for the last fucking time get out of my seat!!" Just seeing her face makes me mad.

"Remember you have a younger one." She finally gets up and walks away from it.

"You mean the three-year-old boy that you gave birth to? Let me tell you once again my mother is dead and you are nothing to me nor the people relate to you. I only have one brother. Now leave before I call security." She just gave me a smile and left. After I heard the door close I gave a big sigh.

"Yewon, are you okay?" My manager came in.

"Find me a new chair, also tell the secretary if she ever lets that snake come to my office she will be fire." I grab my purse and walk away. I was going to work, but my patience just when down by a lot of points.

I need food to make me happy.

I walk out of the building to my car, but in a matter of seconds, the paparazzi saw me. Now I had flashing lights burning my eyes and people shoving close to me.

"Personal space, ever heard of it?" I told these idiots, but all they care about it getting a photo.

"What do you have to say about the rumors going around about your husband with an other girl?" I stop walking and it seems to catch their attention.

This bitch already creates problems for me.

"Remember this, if my man hangs out with other females it doesn't mean he's cheating. Also, mind your own fucking business." After that, I begin to walk again. In a few seconds, I arrive at my car and got in.

Knowing that these paparazzi won't leave me alone I decided to scare them by turning on the car and moving it a little. I honk at them twice and they didn't seem to move so I just did what I had to do. I move in reverse without a second thought.

"Crazy Bitch!!" I heard one of them scream but I only smile.

"They didn't want to move, then they can die." I said to myself and drove off. 

As I headed to the road I got a call from my 'dear' husband.

"Yewon, can we ta-" I cut him off.

"I just want you to remember that in our contract we agree not to ruin the other person's reputation. I don't care who you get seeing by, but remember they have to be at my same level as me if not then don't get caught." Before he can say anything else I hang up on him. 

I need a drink.

Suga P.O.V

I keep looking at the news and the Internet and all I can see is me in the front page. Not only did I cause trouble for Yewon, but also my members.

"What did your wife said?" Currently, I was in the practice room with my members and their girlfriends.

"She said that if I get caught in a cheating scandal the girl should be at her level, if not then don't get caught." For some reason that made them laugh.

"That's something she will definitely say to you. You sure got yourself an interesting wife." Jungkook said and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, one thing for sure, at least she isn't mad at you. I mean you two are husband and wife, if my husband were to be in your situation I would have killed him by now." Yerin said as she smile cutely at Taehyung.

"I don't know about that, she will usually scream at me," I told myself as I look at my phone screen.

"Well, that's who she is, a diva. Even if she's rude to her fans they still support her. Don't worry about her she's fine." Eunha told me.

"Anyways I have to go clear this whole thing up, I can't effect our career." I told them.

"I have to go guys." Sowon got up breaking the embrace between her and Jin.

"Where your going darling?" Jin asked her.

"I'm supposed to meet someone and I'm already running late. I'll text you when I'm done, okay? Also Yoongi, just prepare yourself at home, even if Yewon sounded calm in the call she will rip you apart when you get home." Sowon only gave me a smile and walk away.

"Will she?" I asked myself.

"The year's we spend together, Yewon can actually be very scary. And she is able to kill a person, so just be careful." Yuju told me and I only fake a smile.

Will today be my day that I died?

"But Hyung, who's the person in the photo with you?" I look at the newspaper. You can't clearly see her face, but you can tell is a woman.

"Someone." That's all I said.

"Who is this someone?" Hoseok continues with the investigation.

"Just someone, anyway I need to go and make a statement about this whole rumor." I got up from the floor.

"Why does this girl figure look so familiar?" Sinb said as she look at the paper.

"I know right, even if you can't see her face for some reason her figure seem so familiar to me." I look down at the floor and just walk away.

"If you guys find out who she was, you would all kill me." I whisper to myself and close the door behind me.

Nobody, I mean nobody can find her name.


How have you all been?

Hope you all are healthy and happy💜

I love you all so much💞💞

Have a nice day/afternoon/night

P.S. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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