1- meeting him~

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Hyunbin pov

Monday is back and let me tell you how bad i dint want to get up from bed. My mom had to push me off my bed, but i dint even get up, she was so pissed that she poured a huge glass of water on me and i finally got up

"Mom! What the heck!" I shouted at my mom angrily

"Dont use that tone with me young lady! Get up! You are going to be late for school!" She sassed back at me

"Awh but i don't want to go" i whined

"No young lady get your lazy bums out of bed" she argued

"Ughh fineee" i replied shortly

"I'll be heating up last nights leftovers for your dad, do you want some?"

"Eww no i'd rather eat cereal" i said in disgust

"Alright" she rolling her eyes

My mom left my room and i got up going to my bathroom

"Eww i look like shittake mushrooms" i said to myself looking in the mirror

I took a shower for about 10 mins then got out, brushed my teeth and did my facial routine. Once im done i walked out and checked the time it was still 6.45 a.m.

"That bums lied to me" i said referring to my mom

I put on the outfit i picked last night

It was a pink sweartshirt with a black pair of tight jeans

I did my make up normaly which is not to much. I only wear mascara, some blush and little bit of lip tint

I checked the time again and it was now 7.36 a.m.

I walked out of my room going downstairs

I saw both my parents on the table eating last nights leftovers, eww

"Hey hon come eat" my dad said to me

"Uh no thanks dad i'll be eating cereal" i replied awkwardly

"Hm? Thats odd, well alright" my dad said a little shook

I hummed bts dna on my way to the fridge to get the milk and placed it on the table then went to get the cereal with a bowl and spoon to eat it with

I placed everything near me and started to  pour some coco crunch along with some milk

Once im done i started to dig in my cereal

While i was eating, dad said that he needed to leave for work already

He went to us and kissed us goodbye

I quickly finished my cereal then placed my dishes in the sink

I checked the time and it was about 7.49 a.m. So went up to my room to grab my bag and my phone and then i went back downstairs

"Okay mom im off to school" i huged my mom and kissed her cheek

"Okay baby be safe" she kissed my cheek

I went out and locked the door and saw a huge truck in front of next door's yard "maybe someone's finally moving in to taht house" i said then started walking to school

My house was not to far from my school so i got there at around 8.15 a.m. which leaves me enough time to put my stuff in my locker and grab my book then go to class

I walked in my classroom and sat next to sarah my deskmate

"Hey whats poppin?" Sarah asked me

"Omg you're so lame" i said and chuckled a little

"Am not, you know what i did was lit tho" she replied with confidence

"Whatever" i said rolling my eyes playfully

I looked at the time and i realized that the teacher isn't here yet and it is already so late

But then the door opened which snaped me out of my thoughts

I looked over to the door i saw a tall guy around the age 20 ish walking in

"Alright please settle down" he tried calming the class while putting his things on the table

Is he our new teacher or something? Ugh no way he is to good looking to be a teacher. I thought

"Omo who is he?"

"So handsome"

"Definitely my type"

I heard girls in my class say

"Hello everyone, my name is hwang hyunjin, you may call me Mr.Hwang, i hope all of you are nice to me because this is my first year teaching here" he said all pumped up

"Um how old are you?" I raised my hand while asking

"Haha why do you ask?" He replied smiling big

We made eye contact

"Uhm nothing, just asking" i said awkwardly

I was mesmerized by his beautiful brown eyes

"Okay well belive it or not im 23 years old" he said

I was shook, a 23 year old dude is teaching 17 year olds

We are like 6 years apart

"Ah no wonder" i said quietly thinking that he dint hear it but he did

"No wonder what?" He asked wanting an answer

"Huh? Oh- um- nothing" i replied all awkward

"Alright, okay so take out your textbooks and turn to page 28" he told us

We did as he told

As soon as he started to talk i couldn't hear anything

Everything was in slow motion he was so handsome

Hyunjin pov

I started to teach then while i was teaching the girl that asked how old i am was day dreaming

"Hey, do you know who that is?" I asked some kid at the front

"Who?" He turned around to the direction i was looking "ohh yeah i know her, her name is hyunbin, why sir"he asked confused

"Ah she is day dreaming, anyway thank you" i thanked him

I walked over to the front of her desk and she dint even move a little

Hyunbin pov

I was day dreaming about mr hwang when suddenly someone called my name


"Ahhh!!! Omg what?!" I shouted all eyes were on me

But then i realized that i just screamed at the guy i was day dreaming of

He looked at me in the eyes, starring deep into them

"Uhm, i-im sorry mr hwang it'll not happen again" i said with apologizing eyes

"No this wont do, detention" he said coldly


Author's words

Heyyy!! how did you like my first chapter? I really hope you dont think its crappy even tho it is

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