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Me and my friends decided to hang out today since minho and seungmin made a big comeback

They were pretty mad at me for not being at school when minho and seungmin came back so this whole hang out trip was for me to make it up to them

Im gonna be broke after today -_-

Since that night hyunjin started to behave more clingy and protective than before which im not complaining ;)

I was watching tv to kill time since hana said she'd come and pick me up

I was ready in my outfit that i choose

I was ready in my outfit that i choose

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-Add shorts underneath-

"Hey" hyunjin sat next to me and pecked my cheeks

"Hi, hyunjin" i laid my head on his chest

"Um princess, Dont you think that shirt is a little to short" he asked

Yeah he gave me nicknames to, but i never give him a nickname cuz i was too shy

This is what i mean by protective, he would always tell me to not wear short dresses

Its cute when he is tho

"Silly, im wearing shorts underneath" i said and giggled

He probably didn't notice since im sitting down

"Oh okay then thats good" he said "don't be shy to let your friends know about us okay" he added and gave a reassuring smile

Oh yeah i still haven't told my friends we're dating and they certainly have never heard me curse yet, which happens from time to time ever since that night

"Okay" i said and heard a honk from outside

"It must be them, ill see you when I get back" i said huging him and giving a little kiss on the lips before sliping on my shoes

I looked at hyunjin again and we smiled at each other

I went out the door seeing hana in her car

"Hey" i said getting in

"Ugh what took you so long" she said while driving off

She didn't ask why i was staying at hyunjin's because i told my friends about what happened to my parents the other day and they understood

"Sorry, i was saying goodbye to hyunjin" i said forgetting the fact that she didn't know we're dating

"Jeez, you took so long its not like he's your bf or anything" he said and rolled her eyes

"Yes-" i said i realized i didn't tell her yet "i mean, no we're not dating" i said and laughed it off

"Uhuh" she said as if she doesn't believe me "yeah i don't believe you, spill it princess" she said

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now