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Hyunjin pov~

I decided to switch jobs but i didn't tell hyunbin yet, i need to do something in order for us to be together

I looked everywhere around seoul, but i had no luck at all

Hyunbin pov~

Its 2 a.m. where is hyunjin?

Is he? No he loves me he wouldn't do that

About a half and hour later he came back, i ran up to him as fast as i can

"Hyunjin where were you? You made me worries sick!" I asked

"Im sorry princes, i was just- um- out?" he said which came out like a question

He's lying, i know it

"Hyunjin, please don't lie to me" i said looking down "are you" i paused "cheating on me?" I asked and tried holding my tears

Hyunjin pov~

My widen, why would she say that?!

"W-what no! Why would you say that?! I would never cheat on you!" I hugged her as she sobbed on my shirt

"I-im sorry i thought you were-" she tried to say, but i cut her off by a kiss

"I would never, cheat on you, ever" i said after pulling away

She was still in my arms

"Then where were you?" She asked

Should i just tell the truth?

"I- i- fine i was looking for another job" i sighed

Hyunbin pov~


"Why?" I asked

"I don't want to break up with you, i love you, so im quiting and getting a new job so that no one can get in our way" he said

The joyful tears in my eyes burst out "you would do that? For me?" I asked while crying on his cheast

"I love you, I'd do anything to be with you" he said

"I love you too" i said

He pulled away then lead me to the sofa

"I love you so much" he says and kissed me passionately

I kissed back my wrapped my arms aroud his neck

We laid on the couch me on top of him, laying my head on his cheast

I heard his heartbeat going fast, as well as mine

The next day came and hyunjin went out again to look for a job

I just stayed home

But then my friends came over

"MY BABY ARE YOU OK PLEASE BE STRONG!!" Hana cane running to me

"Oh gosh everything is fine, hana oml" i laughed

"Jisung is right!" Jisung said

He probably told the others about me and bet that if he would win or something

"Okok now each you, gimmie 5 dolla billssssss" jisung said happyly

They all grunted and gave jisug the money

They went home after making a mess. I being a good GIRLFRIEND i helped cleaning the house

Soon after hyunjin came back, he came back aroud 9 p.m. today

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now