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Me and hyunjin got home from school after a long day

We sat on the couch together and talked about our day like we always do

"Don't freak out when i tell you this ok?" Hyunjin said

"Hm? Okay" i said

"Well some bitch came to me at lunch and she tried to sexually harass me today" he sighed after

"Oh that, i already know, that girl os one of my friends" i said and giggled

"What? Ho could you be friends with someone like that?" He asked with wide eyes

"Shes in my class and i know she was interested in you even before we started dating" I said

"Oh" he replied "well you should get cleaned up, after that we'll go out to eat dinner" he said and kissed my lips

"Okay" i said and got up to get ready

I walked into the bathroom and took a shower

I wore something casual to go out tonight

I wore something casual to go out tonight

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Once im done i did my makeup

While i was doing my makeup i heard the shower

"Hyunjin's probably showering" i muttered under my breath

When im done with my makeup i walked downstairs

Hyunjin was still getting ready so i turned on the tv and watched whatever was on

"Ohhhh i love this!" I said and started to sing the theme song of my little pony

"Um princess?" Hyunjin called

"Hm?" I looked over to him and my eyes got instantly wide

I turned to the tv and quickly change the channel

"What?" I asked panicking

"What are you watching?" He asked

"Um im watching-" i glanced to the tv to see the title of the movie "fifty shades darker" i said but then my eyes grew wode again

"Oh shit!" I sais changing the channel again

"Hahahhaha its okay i know you were watching my little pony" he said and laughed

"Yah!" I walked up to him and hit his back

"Ow! That hurts" he pouted

I pinched his cheeks CUZ HE IS SO FUGEN CUTE!!

"Lets go" he said

He grabbed my hand and we both walk to his car

He opened the door for me and i thanked him


As we reached the restaurant he opened the door for me and we walked in

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now