4- realization~

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Hyunbin pov

The next day i got ready for school and ate breakfast

I went out and started to walk to school

I saw hyunjin coming out of his house

Omg he is soo handsome 😣

"Hey hyunbin!" He called me

"Hello mr.hwang" i said shortly

"Since when do you call me that outside of school or when its only the two of us?" He chuckled

"Maybe we should keep our relationship as student and teachers do" i said

His smile faded

Ugh that pains me

Im sorry hyunjin, i do want to be your friend  but the world wont let me

"What do you mean?" He tried keeping the atmosphere happy but fails

"I just think if someone finds out about us hanging for hours everyday"

"But we're still friends right?" He said

"Yeah, like other students are too" i smiled

"Why are you like this?" He asked coldly
"We were fine yesterday, what made you think this?" He asked concerned

"You're right what am i thinking" i faked a smile
"Im sorry i just thought you'd be bored of me one day" i did thought that

"What are you saying, never in my life will i be bored of you" he smiled

Ugh my heart!

I smiled back

"C'mon i'll give you a ride"

"Okay" i said cheerfully

Maybe what ms.lee said yesterday pains me but that won't stop us to just be friends right?

We talked like normal friends would talk until we reached school

"Thanks for the ride hyunjin" i smiled

"Anytime" he smiled

On my way to my locker i high fived some friends that i know (this is actually me at school lol im sorry)

I got to my locker and saw my locker mate, jisung

"Jisung! Sup ma boi!!" I said to him

"Lmao, hey girl, dude have you seen bts's idol mv? Afjdjskd namjoon fucking killed me!"

"Ugh yes! Nicki minaj who? And when jimin said "im so fine where ever i go" can he be anymore reall what the fudge!!"

"Awh i got to go class is starting, see ya at lunch"

"Mm kay"

Jisung is like a brother to me, we fangirl/boy together and we have the same bday!
He is like my ult bffl. Lmao that sounds girl ish

I walked to class bumping into some of my classmates and we walked in together

Hyunjin was already in class

I smiled at him and sat down at my seat

He starts the lesson as soon as the bell rung

Halfway throughout the class i fell asleep

I woke up at the sound of the bell

Everyone rushed out to the cafeteria while im still half awake on my table

Me and hyunjin were the only ones left in class

"Did have a good sleep?" Hyunjin asked

"Hm? Oh yeah, um sorry" i apologized

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now